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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. If you are concerned about weight why not consider a Class D stereo power amp? They are available everywhere. They are light, cheapish and you can just use one channel if you wish. my main bass amp is a 2KW capable Class D amp with a lil' tube preamp I built for it. Both together in a 4U SKB rack case I can pick the thing up with just two fingers.
  2. Is there ANYTHING that you don't do yourself old friend? LOL
  3. It sounds like you are a happy camper! Way to go!!
  4. I think you'll find that most Class D amplifiers use MOSFets as their output devices.
  5. I hope it serves you well!!
  6. That is a true fact!!
  7. In 1968 I bought a brand spanking new Fender Bassman with it's twin 12 cabinet. It looked beautiful set up on stage. It sounded horrible. I suffered through the two gigs that weekend and returned it as soon as I could. The store, Dawson's in Runcorn Cheshire, had sold my Epiphone Constellation trade in but I left the Fender there anyway. I put together a rig from a Marshall bent front 4x12 and a Leak TL50 Plus valve power amp I bought for five quid. I built a little single 12AX7 preamp for it and used it very successfully. Those KT88s sounded great! LOL
  8. I would agree that 50W could be made to work through a set of JBLs That said who used JBLs back then?
  9. A 50W amp was not enough to play a gig with in 1968 let alone nowadays unless all you want is distortion.. The power for my amp comes from a 2000W Class D stereo power amp. The tube pre-amp I designed for it sounds Wonderfull!
  10. What about the Fender Rumble range. They have a good reputation over here in the Americas. I played through a Rumble 350 2x10 and was pleasantly surprised in how well it handled my fretless six string. It's the first Fender bass amp I actually liked.
  11. Speaker cables??
  12. In all honesty I feel that a player will not be able to tell the difference between this cable and a length of lamp cable with 1/4" Phone plugs on each end!
  13. As long as it doesn't lead to a padded cell!
  14. 300W into a single 10 with bass? I can foresee a blown driver in your future!!
  15. Retrofit a SpeakOn to the cabinet. I changed all of my speaker cables to SpeakOns years ago.
  16. It's not from Trace Elliot it's a Peavey product.
  17. I've not run them for any length of time so I can't comment on the heat issue.
  18. That would lead to a Harrow-ing time!
  19. Thank you sir.
  20. In my mind a 12 and an 18 would be a horrible muddy thing.
  21. Try here. Available in several colours. I bought blue, red and green to use as Christmas decorations on a BlueSpruce in the back yard. Runs off a 12V DC plug transformer. Edit: Also available in different lengths to suit your application. https://www.ebay.com/itm/333902707843?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=542963411279&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649
  22. I love the dry humour from the Antipodes! LOL
  23. I've got a fridge full of the stuff but I don't drink anymore! Messes up my blood sugar readings. <sigh>
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