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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. A gentleman on Talk Bass was going to set up a tour for me and a couple of others. It hasn't happened yet but I'm still hopeful!!
  2. It was an attempt at humour thus the big grin. It was in reply to you. Just as I have no idea of the reality of these times in the UK, except from family, you guys back 'ome have little in the way of knowledge of the situation in North America. Having had three strokes, two heart attacks, open heart surgery and Diabeties on top I've been out of my home three times since this all started. The States have been hit hardest of all. The whole country is basically at a stand still and stuff gets missed in spite of best intentions. Please keep yourselves safe. This is a horrible illness and it's so easy to screw up!
  3. I'll agree with that Charlie! Edit: I hope you're keeping healthy in these trying times!
  4. I'm not too much into art! LOL The power amp is made by a company called Carvin. I have a bunch of their products including three superb six string basses.They also provide the power for my three PA systems.
  5. My gigging amp is a 2000W capable stereo Class D power amp. On each channel I run one Acme B2 three way 4Ω cabinet. The cabinets are stacked on their ends for a vertical 4x10. They sound sublime and each cabinet gets around 500W. If I need more than that I stack my second pair of B2 cabinet along side, again one per channel, the power amp is happy with 2Ω loads, For those that do not know about the Acme brand the B2 is a 2x10 with midrange and tweeter drivers. I should mention the whole shebang is driven by a two channel full tube/valve preamp of my own design and build. As for weight the pre-amp and power anp reside in a four space SKB rack case. With the front and back covers in place I can pick it up just using two fingers.
  6. The beasts are built a couple of miles along Kingston Road from my home. That's where the Yorkville plant is.
  7. Just as a question where are you going to play where you'll NEED all that stuff??
  8. If the fan is temperature controlled it won't come on until the heatsinks get up to a certain temperature to trigger the fan.
  9. Not really but you won't do any harm that way.
  10. Nothing to do with volume per se but an overdriven front end sounds terrible. I admit I am assumimg that the OP hasn't got his Bass control turned up too far.
  11. For me it was a blonde blackface Fender Bassman 50 with it's matching 2x12 cabinet. Bought new in the late Sixties it lasted a weekend of torture before I could return it. They had sold my trade in but I left it anyway! Ugh - I still get nightmares about the thing!!!
  12. Could you have been driving the input stage of your amp too hard? This happened to me recently at an audition. I thought that the cab was blown but enganging the input pad solved the problem.
  13. The HLF tends to be somewhat dark as it goes really low. I hope it suits your needs.
  14. A lot of folk think that daisy chaining from one cab to another cab is a series connection and the impedances would add. This is incorrect as such a connection is still parallel wiring.
  15. I didn't have Lego as a kid, it hadn't been invented yet! LOL
  16. Which makes the load 4Ω so don't try to add a third box.
  17. Good luck is what you'll need if you try to run a WA at 2Ω. You'll get away with it - until you don't. You will eventually kill the amp. Some folk will swap out a combo's driver to get every last watt the amplifier is capable of. In actuality the difference in volume between an 8Ω load and a 4Ω one is barely noticeable. To get twice as loud by increasing power would require that power to be ten times larger.
  18. Currently all businesses in the US, as they are in the UK, are trying to cope with the Covid19 Pandemic. Many businesses have all of their staff on State ordered stay at home rules. This has obviously has made things difficult for everyone. Patience is going to be the watchword for the next months until all this crap is done with and we can all get on with our lives. Please practice social distancing and wash your hands often during the day. Keep your selves healthy and good luck to everyone!
  19. I miss the days of the JMI VOX amplifiers. As a baby bass player I aspired to own a VOX amp. In 1967 I fulfilled that dream with an AC50 Foundation. The stuff put out under the VOX name nowadays I view as basically junk.
  20. I've been happy with my Acme B2 cabinets. I have four but only use two to gig with. They are a 2x10 box and I stack a pair for a vertical 4x10. The way they handle the Low B of my sixes is a pure delight!!
  21. I thought it was due to resonance from where my brain should be! LOL
  22. In my mind trying to make something into something it's not often ends up in a fail.
  23. Just as a point the RH750 has a maximum output of 236W just the same as it's little brother the RH450. It only 'sounds' like 750W.
  24. Don't put your screwdriver through the cone. When you do your whole day is ruined!!
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