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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. IS this a good choice first bass? [url="http://www.bonnersmusic.co.uk/buy/Fender/US_Standard_P_Bass_Left_Hand"]http://www.bonnersmusic.co.uk/buy/Fender/U..._Bass_Left_Hand[/url] Sure i'm gonna have to sell some stuff to raise budget but it seems to be what i'm after
  2. lets say up to £500
  3. budget can stretch if its for something decent.
  4. I'm looking for something to play mainly punk rock on, a kind of blink 182 hoppus style. However i'm a lefty so my options are limited, can someone recommend me a punk rock machine? Thanks guys
  5. Ok cool, i might get me or borrow a real cheap ass righty and have a go see how it feels before getting a better quality one. Just a question, when playing bass do you ever bridge your fingers because i dislocated my ring finger at the end joint so it doesnt bend upwards. Its almost impossible to bridge 2 strings effectively. But bass is more single string finger work right, not one finger holds down all strings because i cant do that at the moment, hopefully over time the joint will become more free but maybe not.
  6. lol! Ok Sir. Im still debating whether or not to go right. Surely it cant be that hard to pick up on the other hand.
  7. Aye Blob thats exactly what i'm after So you can special order colours? Cool
  8. Im sure, the price is over the top. Ive fallen for the colour tho, i need to find a J bass with that blue tone
  9. Yea, seems a crazy price. By refinish i presume you mean the paintwork etc...
  10. [url="http://www.hendrixguitars.com/Lh707.htm"]http://www.hendrixguitars.com/Lh707.htm[/url] Is this a good guitar? Its damn expensive and looks like it has taken some damage. What is the year about? and is this a collectors item or a guitar you would play on... Thanks, please dont flame me for being the new guy!
  11. Ive been looking for a good bass in this colour for ages. I just cant find a lefty! Anyone got one for sale or seen one etc... Thanks
  12. Yea, im prepared to learn right tho. I just hope that 1) it will feel good after practice and 2) that the limited movement on the fretting ring finger wont interfear, but I dont think you do bridge when playing bass? Also since its bass then surely playing it with your 'bad' hand isnt quite as hard as electric because its more finger work? Or am I talking crap i dunno
  13. Yea its just left handed there are many limitations
  14. Hello, firstly I apologise is I have posted in the wrong section I got here less than 2 minutes ago So yea, about me. Ive played on and off electric guitar for about a year. Im left handed and play a lefty guitar BUT i'm thinking of starting bass. Now my dilemma is that now im starting bass should i play a lefty or a right (normal) bass. Arguements FOR playing Left: - I have some dexterity already there from electric experience - It feels naturally good and it what I learned on Arguements FOR playing Right: - Wayyy more selection of guitars! - Cheaper guitars - Dont get people slagging you for playing left handed -.- Arguments AGAINST Left: - Really really poor selection of guitars in comparison to right - People slag you off for playing it wrong (not all) - Cant pick up and play other peoples rightys Arguments AGAINST Right: - I will have to start over building up dex and strength - Feels very retarded at the moment but I think(?) that it will eventually become second nature with practice - My ring finger on my left hand (fretting hand for playing righty) has been dislocated before resulting in the end joint of that finger not being able to bend upwards much, making bridging over multiple strings very hard (almost impossible) BUT for bass technique do you even need to bridge over strings? aka with a flat finger? Or is it mostly finger work... Cheers guys, personally im happy to learn right handed aslong as it will eventually feel better once I practice! and also as long as the lack of movement in that joint doesnt effect the play. Appreciate any help people
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