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Everything posted by JimmyN2

  1. Hi Marc, I know you didn’t ask me but I can answer that question, yes the original strings are perfect for bowing, and a bow is great for a long last note. On TinyDs question about ‘digging in’ I find that with the original strings that is perfectly doable. This is because of the individual bridges and aerosilk pickups, I think. Cheers Jimmy
  2. I can’t recommend the Ibanez UB840 highly enough. It’s brilliant for a bass guitar player who wants to look and sound authentic in a jazz setting. I use a Markbass CMD 121P with it but tend to have the bass (on the amp) cut back a bit. The object is to be heard without being loud, amongst two saxes, electric piano and drums and I’ve found less bass-boom works better. This particular upright also has each string with it’s own piezo pickup in it’s individual bridge, which has allowed me to swop the strings round - I am an unashamed lefty. I like the original strings and believe your playing style makes a huge difference to the sound you get. Having it’s own stand, rather than being an unsupported stick, is extremely useful in gig situation and the price is just insane - what’s not to like. 😎
  3. I forgot to say when talking about my Ibanez EUB804 that I am left handed and have changed the strings round. Each string has it’s own bridge which makes this possible and, without cutting a wider slot at the neck. I have needed to provide 2 longer screws at the bridge to move the E string higher to suit my style but that it. All works fine. I’m a happy bunny.
  4. Everyone has their likes and preferences. Ii walked into my local PMT one day and they had an Ibanez EUB840 plugged in for demonstration. I spent no more than five minutes playing this and knew I had to get one, previously I’d been perfectly happy with my Rickenbacker Bass with Thomastik flats. The Ibanez has its own stand and with the aero silk piezo pickups sounds pretty authentic to my colleagues’ ears. It can be played arco if you want as well. Also, and most importantly for me, it’s not expensive. The Rick rarely gets played now.
  5. Hi Chris I play in a jazz quintet and play an EUB. It’s great, in my and the rest of the bands opinions. Previously I played a bass guitar but they prefer this. If you have any questions please fire away. cheers Jimmy
  6. We use the Real books and/or iReal Pro in our music but I tend to play the root to 5th for each chord in this song - a little like a Steely Dan’s intro to ‘Ricky don’t lose that number’ - with a little variation around and it seems to work fine. As has been said by others above.
  7. Thanks Nick
  8. Anyone else felt that the neck wood could do with a bit of care? It’s a lovely looking hardwood but I have noticed dirt and sweat marks beginning to appear on the fretboard under the strings. Perhaps wooden worktop oil or one of the guitar shop oils?
  9. I’ve returned the 2 bows to the shop, a bit too pricey for me, and ordered a £51 bow with German frog from Thomann. I found that the two types were more or less equal in my hands but the German style has a deeper frog which means it hangs off the back of the Bass’s stand and quicker to grab. Win, win.
  10. I have been to the local violin etc. shop and took both on a week’s trial. I’ve watched the official Ibanez video and also a video on how to hold them. We’ll see after a few days !! I remember our oldest daughter trying a violin when at school (nearly 40 yrs ago) and the cat jumped up at her because of the squeaky sound 🤣. Hmmm !!
  11. Thanks for that.
  12. Hi, my band members are wondering when I’m getting a bow for this brilliant bass. Not sure why I’d want one as it’s a swing jazz band. Having done a little research it seem I have a choice - French or German style bows, or resist buying one altogether. Has anyone else git experience with this Bass and which bow? Jimmy
  13. We had our rehearsal/practice yesterday and the others all thought the UB804 was “fantastic” in looks and sound. To them it sounded like a double bass!! Everyone happy. Now I’ve got to decide if I sell my leftie Rick4003, because I can’t see when I’ll need it again. Thanks again for your help, guys. 👍👍
  14. One more thing! Has anyone removed the back cover yet? It’s just there is something loose, rattling around. Everything works and I only discovered it when showing my wife how it breaks down into it’s bag.
  15. Hey thanks guys 👍that’s really very helpful. Yes I’m using the original strings and your comment about settling in is true. Not liking the round wound original strings on my Rickenbacker bass (much too twangy for jazz and church situations) I changed them for Tomastik infeld flats which were good straight out of the packet and they have just improved with age. I’m so liking the UB, the Rick might have to get sold (We’ll see !!) Cheers Jimmy
  16. Still practicing with it and especially checking on my finger placement accuracy using a nice big iPad display and PolyTune. My amp is a MarkBass 121p and not really sure where to set the tone controls or, for that matter, the tone on the UB804. Any suggestions?
  17. I finally sold my Martin D28 (rarely played these days) and just took delivery of an UB804. Boy am I a happy bunny. I’ll be rehearsing with my Jazz band mates on Wednesday, can’t wait see their faces. I have tried it right hand but had to turn the strings round. It’s working fine without altering the nut. Just got to practice like mad before Wednesday to build my fretless accuracy. cheers Jimmy
  18. Problem solved and special thanks to jrxin1 who pointed me in the right direction. In settings there are three things we all need to change if you are playing an instrument that isn’t plugged in directly. Untick the auto microphone volume and disable the two sections which refer to background noise. As simple as that. Zoom is good to go and our next scheduled rehearsal will be next Wednesday. All works Thanks for all your replies and interest.
  19. Recount? Yes - it’s the Covid-19 effect. I think I’m losing it. We were a quartet until a few months ago and then became a quintet. Actually though we can operate as 3,4 or 5 😀
  20. Thanks for that. At the moment we are simply using Zoom Skype was too laggy. For effects I have GarageBand but can’t see how to use it to get live sound into Zoom.
  21. Cheers, what’s’reaper’?
  22. We are a jazz quartet, two horns, piano, bass and drums. Problem #1. Couldn’t hear the bass, even with my wife 2 floors up, complaining! - Fixed that by getting a Behringer U-Phoria UM2 USB Audio Interface and plugging the bass directly into it. My mates can all hear me fine and are very happy with that (as is my wife as I use headphones). Problem #2. Drums. The first hit heard, but then nothing. So he got the the same audio interface as me and with a studio mike but the same result, no improvement. Today he got his practice kit out which he can plug into any amplifier by jack plug (not usb) and normally is fine. He plugged it into the audio interface instrument connection (same as me) first hit loud and then the rest hearable for me but very quiet. Oh and we’re all using iMacs. Any suggestions please
  23. Thanks for your warm welcome Marc. I play left handed for reasons you’ll see in my profile but I hope to get an Ibanez EUB 804. They don’t do a left handed version so I’ll probably try to play it as it is. One of the benefits of being a lefty is that you can usually visualise a mirror image easily, so muscle memory, or lack of it, won’t be a problem (only speed but I’ll get there with practice). I tried the UB804 in PMT last year and found its sound very pleasing and rather more DB sounding than others I’ve tried.
  24. Hi folks, been playing for a few years now. These days mainly but not exclusively in the Jazz world. As I’ve got older my amps have got smaller and lighter, currently a Markbass cmd121p which is amazing. Playing a very nice Rick with Thomasik flats but thinking about an EUB. Oh and I’m left handed.
  25. My previous left handed string swop question. Any clues, or should I stop wanting?
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