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nikon F

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Everything posted by nikon F

  1. if you can get to north kent ive got a barefaced compact ( 1x15 ) you can have a go on. depends on where you are in Londinion tho i suppose.
  2. I thought the sonic p had a jazz neck on it anyway ????
  3. maybe he could do guided tours on weekdays ?
  4. the average wage in 93 was 17784 k now its given as 35464 so pretty much double ,
  5. nope no mention of gibsons,,,apart from when they show a clip of Jack Bruce playing a Gibson eb 3 ๐Ÿ˜
  6. circle of hands Gary Thain ,,,,,well all of D and W's really ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. get yer razor blade out and cut it
  8. i could get it as far as Northfleet if thats any good. which part of london are you ?
  9. yes still sitting there
  10. i wouldnt wait nine years for the squier 50th ,,,id either get a 40th anniversary or wire the one you've got series parallel and see if it made a difference
  11. what channel was that? really like BJH. hoping i can get a repeat to watch.
  12. and the other 35% are just plain lies
  13. i like G.L's vocals.
  14. that great gig in the sky is getting more players
  15. i think you're being a bit hard on mr clarke, i thought he was quite good !
  16. why was out 1971 ish so could have been a re-record by G.T.
  17. if you get an inverter make sure its a pure sine wave .and a leisure battery not a normal car battery.
  18. dont move too bad for a 72 year old does he ๐Ÿ‘
  19. that i believe thats filmed at the budokan but the sound recording from the 73 live album. ynow Friday night in Birmingham.
  20. she was on the first white noise album ( an electric storm ) its ummm,,, well its probably on utube so have a listen,but don't have the volume up too loud or the neighbours might be round asking if they can join in ๐Ÿ˜
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