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nikon F

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Everything posted by nikon F

  1. and if it was me i'd also tell them i was going to name and shame and tell the whole world what a bunch of shysters i think they are .
  2. jacksons get back film is now a six hour documentary ( over three days ) on disney plus ,,,,,
  3. presumably to protect the cable from the socket to the appliance.
  4. its called a fuse box,,and yes its considered safe ,,,,,
  5. did you weld the roof back on before you sold it ? 😁
  6. world in action theme by Shawn Phillips and the theme from downton abbey ( never watched the prog tho )
  7. more pointless than madness or genius possibly
  8. me too ,,,i mixed up 'you' and 'u'. As a side note i always thought it was a rainbow original ,,,,,apparently not. "Since You Been Gone" is a song written by former Argent guitarist Russ Ballard and first released on his 1976 album Winning. It was popularized in a version by Rainbow in 1979.
  9. try cutting the silk off .
  10. `the bit that gives it away is the third picture down from the top that says min load 4 ohms
  11. way ahead of your time with that title,,,,,,,,,,,,,,could you not re-release it preceded by ( dont ) ?😁 as inthedoghouse said not really my thing but i liked it really good.
  12. ive got the 58 pup and the loom on a mim p and i love it .it sounds more smooth than harsh twang .the strings are 45 /105 fender flats .
  13. thanks. in that case i think ill get one and join the club .
  14. whats the difference between them ?
  15. ashdown have got the RM 800 b stock for £367 delivered. sounds like a reasonable price to me .
  16. pedant hat on. a taste of honey isnt a Beatles cover and its Herb Alpert .
  17. well if you believe everything you read in the news papers ...............
  18. is that a young Jimmy Page @ 6;10 ?
  19. i think the first thing id do is check the plug fuse and if theres any fuses in the amp rather than than buy something else.
  20. good sounding lightweight cab for only £250 . luverly
  21. well if its the one ive just watched recorded in 2018 ,,, listening through headphones it didnt sound like keys to me
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