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Everything posted by BB3000S

  1. Wow, that's going to be a stunner! Subscribed.
  2. They are truly awesome indeed, though Danny Saucedo is an indepenent artist who has done some stuff with them this summer - the bass player is Henrik Linder. Here's the Dirty Loops myspace for some more: [url="http://www.myspace.com/dirtyloopsswe"]http://www.myspace.com/dirtyloopsswe[/url]
  3. There's always room and reason for more EBMM's, innit?
  4. Have been using the same RAT cable since 1987, but just the other week had to retire it. It will be sorely missed.
  5. [quote name='NJE' post='1321934' date='Jul 31 2011, 09:04 AM']Had this a while now and despite being up for sale I am not 100% sure I want to let it go. Just an amazing instrument, the build quality is incredible and it sounds massive. Here you go.... [attachment=86000:Stingray_Front_3.jpg][/quote] Love the looks on this one, great colour and that rw-board is so sweet. If you're in two minds about selling, then keep it! It's really a classy SR5. [quote name='bassmanady' post='1322169' date='Jul 31 2011, 03:51 PM']Recent addition this MM Stingray 20th anniversary 5 string....big sound,big sustain,but also a bit weighty,which is probally because of the mahogany tone block,which sure does make a big difference,compared to the last 2 stingrays i have owned[/quote] I have it's twin sister, maple board and HH, just like yours it is not the lightest (10.5 ish lbs) but from the tone alone it's so worth it - and then there's of course the wonderful feel of the neck as well as looks. Congratulations and enjoy!
  6. Sell the one you're the least emotionally attached to. If the 4003 as an individual more special to you, keep it and sell the other. If you however love 4003's in general, then from a collectability perspective +1 on selling the 4003 and replacing it later on.
  7. Pickups where the magnetic character (covering alnico, ceramic, neo, and more) of the pole pieces (made from alien metals) can be tweaked with a simple dial. Unless it qualifies as electronic fudge?
  8. The drummer is pure gold, his contribution is what really blew me away! Granted HF is a monster though.
  9. Any trades of interest or are you just looking for a straight sale? Again, very nice Jaydee!
  10. I have the highest respect for DR as a company, and as stated I love their product when everything is as it should. However, my individual DR experience has been 15+ years of hundreds of perfect sets - not so in the last 12 months. To me it has been a drop in experienced quality, but of course it could all be coincidence. What it isn't in my case is counterfeits or wrong handling of the strings such as not making a right angle bend before cutting them to length. I'm staying with DR for now but have started trying out different brands. Only one I've found to be of my liking as much as DR so far is Newtone - also handwounds roundcores and really awesome strings. Love DR and would like nothing more than for the next 12 months to be back on track. Perhaps it's just a statistical phenomenon combined with forum comments always tending to be somewhat out of proportion in that negatives sometimes are broadcast more than positives.
  11. I've used DR Hi Beams since the early/mid 90s, and later on also Fat Beams as my strings of choice. Love them to bits, but in the last year in a total of about 10-15 sets I've had three dead E-strings and one dead A string. Up until last year I never ever had any issues whatsoever with DR. Sad to say I'm starting to think about switching brands - but the force of habit is hard to break.
  12. These are just wonderful, soooooo good!! I have two, using one with a poweramp and one with my EBS head for a great extension of the tonal palette. Good luck with the sale!
  13. For me, EBMM's have an unmistakable feel and sound (to me and the drummer at least, never mind the audience) that simply makes the rythm section work really well. Also, the way a Stingray responds to right hand position and technique to me is just miles ahead of the pack, from focused punchy bridge sounds to warm and mellow plucked higher to muted to awesome slap sounds. At least I'm not finding any other of my basses to work as well in this respect even though they have their own vibes which I love as well. Add in a Stingray with flats to the equation, and the range of vibes is just awesome. I do use almost all my basses in band settings, but whenever I bring a Stingray, many times that's the one that takes the prize. Granted they are great builds and so on, but they're not alone in that. It's not simply a question of habit for me, I only played Stingrays the last couple of years and have loads more accumulated playing time on Jazz basses and my Yamaha BB. Variation is great fun and good for inspiration, and I would never go pure Stingray - but Stingrays are in many ways where it's at IMO.
  14. There's a lot to be had just from playing style, choice of strings and tweaking the eq on a Stingray, just rolling off the treble slightly will take away the Stingay'ish aggressiveness in the top end. That said, +1 on trying out a Bartolini MM pickup, or a Nordstrand for that matter. Both have a warmer sound than the ceramic (assuming you have a post 91'ish pre 08 SR5) pickup of the Stingray5. Just to further my first point, I'm off to do a blues rehearsal this evening with my 30th anni SR4 - nothing but a warm full bass sound goes in that setting. I do however run it with flats and roll off the treble ever so slightly.
  15. Wow - congratulations and enjoy!!
  16. The complete saying should go "only an AlNiCo Stingray in parallell sounds like a Stingray". (No offence to ceramic SR5's...) Anyway, my vote goes to no2 for the Stingray5, great idea and it'd be great with more clips. Good fun! Out of interest, is the Sandberg bridge PU spot on in the SR position? Being an HH i suppose it is?
  17. Nothing but a Stingray sounds and plays like a Stingray, simple as that.
  18. For that kind of money this is a totally awesome deal! Great sounding 410.
  19. Oh the suspense... Congratulations and enjoy! Subscribed for pics.
  20. Great read, thanks a lot for posting. Got the book for good measure.
  21. [quote name='Arabesque-bass' post='1287594' date='Jun 30 2011, 01:48 PM']If you have a 1000 Watt @ 8 Ohms amp ;-) But I believe 2 makes a MONSTER Rig :-)[/quote] Like a LabGruppen Lab1000 - oh my what a wonderful match that would be! If not for "if"...
  22. [quote name='Arabesque-bass' post='1286424' date='Jun 29 2011, 03:00 PM']PM'd Mr BB3000S[/quote] And replied!
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