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Everything posted by BB3000S

  1. [quote name='Me And My Bass' post='1260505' date='Jun 8 2011, 12:20 AM']I would let my Stingray go for about the £600 mark mate. its in the buying section, not black and maple though. Check it out, defo lighter bass than my MM Sub as well.[/quote] Get this ^^^ Amazing price, great looks, and nothing will do the Stingray sound as good as a Stingray - simple as that.
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1259989' date='Jun 7 2011, 06:48 PM']OK lets clear this up Pre EB or EBMM Fails, A- Pre EB fretboards have [b]no fret marker at the 21st fret [/b]FAIL B- Fretted pre EB's are maple with very few rosewoods known unless fretless FAIL C-Pre EB necks have a skunkstripe FAIL D-The string tree is across the wrong strings FAIL E-The fret markers are way to small for any era of Ray FAIL F- The tuning pegs are too small for any era of neck FAIL G- The tip of the headstock is far too blunt for either version FAIL H- No bullet truss rod FAIL J- No gloss finish on the neck FAIL K- Wrong profile of neck FAIL L- Wrong heel on neck FAIL M- The logo is in the wrong place for either early (Level with the G tuner bezel) or later (Lower down like the ebay one but level with the headstock edge not sloped)FAIL N- It would have proper jumbo vintage frets with flat tops FAIL EB only Fails, A- It has no wheel of fortune at the heel end if its as new as it looks 1990 ish or newer FAIL B-The logo is wrong as thats for a pre EB and almost certainly fake too FAIL C- No decal on the rear of the headstock FAIL Self styled expert or not its totally fake so get the words "appears to be [b]kosher" [/b]out of the listing or remove it end of arguement mate There is no way EBMM have said that its kosher what they may of said is "we dont know it could be but we didnt make and have no records for pre EB goods" I dare say even the girl in the office at EBMM could tell you why its not right though. Silly threats are one thing but your suggestion of us fellow musicians coming down hard after he got ripped off is out of order whilst it still up there as the neck appears to be kosher IT IS NOT! [b]FYI all of the points I have listed can be confirmed by me by looking at the basses in this room right now and as a self styled expert (Should that go In my sig or not?) I feel im in a pretty good position to comment having every version right here right now?[/b][/quote] Slam dunk, case closed. Dear Sir, you win for commitment.
  3. Ok, so I couldn't restrain myself from asking our friends on the EBMM forum about this: [url="http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-basses/50001-ebay-stingray-copy-supposedly-ernie-ball-music-man-confirmed-real-ernie-ball-music-man-neck.html"]http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-...c-man-neck.html[/url] Clearly this whole thread is growing out of proportion, but hey that's what we do on the internet sometimes.
  4. [quote name='ficelles' post='1259474' date='Jun 7 2011, 12:18 PM']Firstly I have no personal opinion on the neck - I wouldn't have a clue about Music Man instrument, have never owned one, never will as they don't appeal to me. Secondly the listing states it's a copy but then in the text repeats the info [u]provided by Music Man[/u]. There is no intention to mislead. Only a moron would think the listing was attempting to pass that guitar off as something it isn't. As for numerous people telling him about the neck, well [b]if it were me I would go with the elicited opinion of the manufacturer rather than unsolicited interference from a lot of self-styled "experts"[/b]. And I am sure fleabay would do the same. ficelles[/quote] Fair play mate, I'd probably do so too. But please realize that the "manufacturer statement" at present is only hearsay for us here - and in addition very much contrary to what us EBMM and Pre-EB MM fan boys believe to be true. Have to admit I'm really tempted to put up a thread on the EBMM boards asking about this neck. At the end of the day, these are the internetz - everyone has an opinion they're convinced is the right one.
  5. Excellent stuff, congratuations!!
  6. Very good idea, I finally got a JayDee (mid 80's pearl green Series III) after yearning for one for some 25+ years and I love everything about it. Are you thinking used or new? The waiting times made the new option infeasible for a gas-addict such as myself.
  7. [quote name='ficelles' post='1259216' date='Jun 7 2011, 02:03 AM']Ok kiddo, this seller happens to be a close friend and he ain't lyin' re the neck info. You want to talk about it, maybe come and see me. Fyi he HAS contacted MusicMan and HAS been told by MusicMan - after sending detail photos - that the neck looks genuine (I thought there was a separate serial no on the neck to the one on the body but I could be wrong). Bravado apart, it's clear he was ripped off on this bass and is being very honest rather than repeating the spiel he was given. I have worked on this bass as far as cleaning out the control cavity and using switch cleaner on the pots goes, but since I know zero about MusicMan stuff I can't tell you any more than is in the listing. Whatever it may be it actually plays nicely and sounds pretty good. But don't be so quick to call people liars online - he's a genuine guy who has bought unwisely (unkowingly) and is trying to be fair when re-selling by giving all the info he has at his disposal. Btw if anyone knows the original seller of this bass I'd like a word with him. ficelles[/quote] Please check with your friend if he'd let you upload the detailed neck pics here at BC. I'm sure we are a fair few here, myself included, who would be interested in buying it if it is indeed genuine. And please don't take offence on your own or your friends part, but the ebay text and pics don't succeed in bringing across the "kosher" aspect very well. Also, and no offence please, I find it surprising that EBMM would make a statement on a pre-EB instrument (they normally dont!). Btw, here is THE resource on pre-EB and EBMM basses, well worth looking into for detailed info and pics: [url="http://www.musicmanbass.org/"]http://www.musicmanbass.org/[/url] Sadly for your friend his bass doesn't compare to well there.
  8. Congratulations, great to hear! There is indeed a special kind of magic in a nice P-bass with flats. I've had a bit of a jazz period the last 6-7 weeks, but for todays rehearsal I brought my P (w Chromes) and had a similar wow/wtf moment.
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1257898' date='Jun 5 2011, 11:27 PM']I think its one of these, look at the pickup mounting screws and pole pieces, I have never seen any others like it. He has been had but does that meen its right to let someone else be even if he his listing it as a 'Hybrid'? Its not because its just a pre EB logo on a £100 bass, no more, no less. He has told me other people have told him the neck isnt kosher either yet thats how it reads to me still even after the slight addition of the word copy. (which ebay often pull anyway I have had it done to me for selling a Kay SG copy bass and again with the guitar version both at less than £50 each and an honest description).[/quote] Nicely spotted, yes it has to be one of those. I totally missed out on the pickup, trying to pitch a twinjazz loaded copy as a "good one" is well beyond the limit in my book. Too bad he's been had originally, but he'd be better off advertising it as a relabelled Tanglewood - as it stands now it looks very dubious to me.
  10. "The neck appears to be kosher" Ehum, don't think so... Too bad for him he made the mistake of buying it in the first place. Best case scenario it's a relabelled OLP, but even then 150 is not exactly cheap is it?
  11. Amazing deal and a stunning bass - congratulations and enjoy! [size=1][color="#808080"](*Crossing fingers ever so slightly it might turn up in the classifieds one day*)[/color][/size]
  12. [quote name='Bootzy' post='1256318' date='Jun 4 2011, 12:24 PM']Thanks Mattias! It went to Stockholm, the buyer called me and came to pick it up 4 hours later. He was really impressed with both the playability and the great sound.[/quote] Nice one!
  13. Whereabouts will it go, UK/Sweden/other? Congratulations to the buyer! (And to you as well Tommy).
  14. Oh my god. Mark King and the #003 is what made me turn to bass in the first place. What a lovely bass, best of luck with the sale!
  15. Isn't three 8 ohm cabs more like 2.67 ohms?
  16. [quote name='Jigster' post='1255785' date='Jun 3 2011, 07:39 PM']I detect a suitable degree of remorse within your statement, and the jury will take your comments into account BB. [/quote] Haha, you're probably right. What is it they say - Pain is so close to pleasure... ;)o
  17. Given the speed (or lack thereof) that basses seem to be selling at the moment it's not so strange to me that there are three Big Als out at the same time. In addition, the model has been out for a while now and as expected it's starting to show up more and more frequently 2nd hand. IMO the Big Al 4SSS is a wonderful bass. I bought one (the Olive Gold one Bootzy is now selling on) when I had a bad case of EBMM-GAS, and really liked it a lot. Great bass, increadibly versatile but at the same time really simple to control (in passive you only have the buttons + vol + tone, that has to be manageable right?). One of the fastest necks ever, perfectly balanced and beautiful to behold. So why is it no longer with me? Because I'm a gearwhore probably - and Bootzy made me a great deal with a Lakie of his. Would definitely like to have a Big Al 4SSS (or 5) again some day.
  18. I owned this bass previously, and it is a truly great specimen. Bootzy is a true gentleman and I'm happy to give both him and the Big Al my very best recommendation.
  19. This is my old bass, and I really miss it - plays wonderfully and has some really great sounds all its own while still maintaining a classic kind of vibe. Dirk is also a true gentleman and very very trustworthy! And Dirk - please let me know if you'd be interested in the 20th anni SR5HH.
  20. EHX Q-tron if I was pressed to choose only one.
  21. Blue/green for me please, both really really nice though.
  22. T h e B e s t F o r S a l e T h r e a d E v e r . (And that's a really really nice jazz to boot.)
  23. Amazing, truly amazing collection - thank you so much for sharing! Especially love the 58's (my gosh, three of them!) and the 52's are sooooo nice.
  24. [quote name='ped' post='1246179' date='May 26 2011, 09:16 PM']Apps are available in the next update which will happen this summer. I'm excited! ped[/quote] Great stuff!!
  25. [quote name='BassBunny' post='1246390' date='May 26 2011, 11:42 PM']Nice bunch of guys Mezzoforte. We do a couple of their numbers and I was struggling to nail the bass line on one. [b]I got in touch via their website and they sent the transcriptions.[/b][/quote] That's really cool! Mezzoforte have been high up in my good book since the mid 80's - Rising and Surprise Surprise remain two of my favourite albums to this day. Actually learnt much of what I know of harmony from picking Mezzoforte songs apart at my parents piano. Happy days! Great fun that they are still out playing!!
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