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Everything posted by BB3000S

  1. [quote name='ped' post='581973' date='Aug 26 2009, 11:38 PM']Yeah it was a bit awkward! Marcus didn't do much to ease the situation either by the looks of it. Notice his miniature ashtray. I tried one of those and it is a brilliant solution to the problem of a larger width one covering a fair amount of the plucking area. They are pretty common on Japanese super-jazzes like Atelier-Z and Bacchus, and I have seen them on Fodera basses too. Perhaps Marcus is thinking of adding them to the MIJ sig instruments? ped[/quote] Marcus is the man! Thanks for posting. Reminded me of the VHS casettes I have from the 80's with the Miller/Sanborn/Holland shows - should really have them transfered to DVD... About the mini PU cover - I've been looking left and right to get one, but always ended up in Japan. Where to get one without paying through the nose?
  2. [quote name='ped' post='583149' date='Aug 28 2009, 06:58 AM']I will announce on the forum when they are ready, 24 hrs before they go on sale :0)[/quote] Looking forward to it - I sure hope your cool webshop will accept adresses to Sweden as well!
  3. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='583896' date='Aug 28 2009, 07:38 PM']As a reaction to some optimistic S/H Jaydee prices here is a link to John's current price list: [url="http://www.jaydeecustomguitars.co.uk/bass_price_list.html"]http://www.jaydeecustomguitars.co.uk/bass_price_list.html[/url] Ok there maybe a waiting list --- but they seem like bargains! B[/quote] Thanks mate, I now officially have severe Jaydee-GAS. Series I, II or III will be a tough one though... Pity they don't explain the differences between them, the Series II and III seem pretty identical to my dull eyes... Oh well, Basschat to the rescue! The other day, due to the optimistic sale thread, I was looking for prices at [url="http://www.jaydeeguitars.com/index.php"]http://www.jaydeeguitars.com/index.php[/url] but they didn't list any. Strange they have two websites eh?
  4. [quote name='JPJ' post='583676' date='Aug 28 2009, 04:55 PM']Lovely basses and quite sought after, especially the five strings. Quite like the look of them myself but those six string pickups Fender opted for put me off. First time I've seen pickups with the pole pieces between the strings [/quote] There are in fact pole pieces right under the strings as well, so each pickup has a total of 22 pole pieces. The ones not visible are shorter to reduce the magnetic pull on the strings and is one of the reasons the B-strings on RB5 basses are so increadibly good, also far up the neck. Without a doubt the best jazz fiver in my mind. Have one just like the one on sale here, and it's a definite keeper. The price here even has me thinking of what to sell to be able to lay my hands on it as a backup... Best of luck with the sale Nathan! cheers / Matt
  5. Cool to see Mark with a Fender - though it makes me want a proper Status even more. He had a really short Fender period didn't he?
  6. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='566525' date='Aug 12 2009, 10:25 AM']Wonderful collection you have there, Matt. Especially the Unicorn, Smith & Mike Lull - Stunning looking instruments. Congrats [/quote] Thanks mate - would love to add a nice Status eventually though. With mixed feelings I have now parted with the Mike Lull. Truly wonderful bass, but it had to go to make room for one I just fell head over heels in love with. Here she is, a [b]-78 Fender Jazz[/b], all original in Olympic White:
  7. If money were no object I'd quit my job to give me more time to play the ones I have. [b]Basses[/b] Two really great vintage Fenders, P&J Masterbuilt Fender Marcus Miller Jazz Status S2 Classic Status Kingbass Black Beauty Status Kingbass Retroglide + a couple of 80's Statii F-Bass BN5 F-Bass Alain Caron Pedulla Buzz the list goes on forever... [b] Rig-wise [/b]I'd probably go with Aguilar DB751 + a bunch of Aggie cabs (DB-810, DB-210+115, GS-212x2, GS-112x2) and to see what the fuzz is all about the Hellborg stuff from Warwick.
  8. +1 to most of what's been said already. IME, at the same gauge DR strings have more pull than many other brands, especially DR's hexagonal core ones. Did you per chance switch from hexagonal DR's to roundcore D'Addarios? If so, I'd expect buzz on virtually any bass if the pre-switch action was low already. My guess is a quarter turn's release on the trussrod should do it for you Jack, maybe half a turn. I wouldn't go for more than that without giving the neck time to adjust, preferably to the next day. For most of my basses I usually set the neck to a 1-max2mm gap at the 12th fret when pressing down the first and last frets. That amount of bow allows for pretty low action, and subsequent sensitivity for buzz when switching to lighter gauge and/or lower tension strings. [b]mrcrow[/b] - that's an excellent got-to-do list when changing strings. IME, taking all strings off at the same time when cleaning the fretboard or switching strings should really never ever be a cause for concern unless the neck is really dodgy to start with. If you leave a neck without strings for an extended period of time though, it is probably a good idea to decrease the trussrod tension as well. cheers / Matt
  9. Sweeeet!! Congratulations to a real beauty and good work hunting everything down on eBay.
  10. [quote name='KASH' post='568567' date='Aug 14 2009, 01:14 AM']I see the BB614 have lots of points! lol ...unfortunately I'm not a big fan of active basses, hence [b]the BB414 as my 1st choice[/b]. How about the other options?[/quote] ...and a big thumbs up to you, dear Sir. Don't have much input (and none with much substance) on the other two, but my gut feeling would rank them 1) Yammie, 2) Spector, 3) Epiphone, with a Tokai T-bird as a wild card.
  11. Call me old school and superficial, but I prefer the more 80's correct looks of the BB414 to the BB614 with its fancy 3band eq. :blush: That said, with Mumbles87 BB up for grabs it'd be a no-brainer for me - I'd most likely jump on it. The 80's BB's did get the 3band eventually... In case you missed it, here's a [url="http://<a%20href="http://www.bassplayer.com/article/yamaha-bb414-bb614/may-05/8554"%20target="_blank">http://www.bassplayer.com/article/yamaha-b...614/may-05/8554</a>"]BP-review[/url] on the two.
  12. Just ordered Ultimate Slap Bass and some Level 42 books from [url="http://basslinepublishing.com/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx"]Bassline Publishing[/url]. Thanks for the tip guys, this will be loads of fun!
  13. I've been thoroughly impressed by a Yamaha BB414's I once met, plus I'm a Yammie fan, so that would be my first bet as I've yet to try out your other two options. However, if you have the opportunity to land a 2nd hand Spector in good condition and the cash is burning a hole in your pocket, just go for it! Once the next GAS-attack sets in and you're looking to sell it (that day comes sooner or later for most of us) you'll be glad you bought it used. Good luck!
  14. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='565195' date='Aug 10 2009, 06:36 PM']Heyy Welcome to basschat Matt! Z x[/quote] Hey Zoe, thanks - good to be here!
  15. Oh, the Ryanair flights are cheap, welcome over! Upgrading the blue isn't my top priority at the moment, but I have to admit the Delanos do sound tempting. Much as I love the low end in the Barts I find the top end somewhat artificial and cramped. Seem to be a perfect fit as well. Hmmmm... Edit: Bugger, yours definitely seem to be 4-string ones right? Really need that B-string covered also... Anyway, thanks for inspiring me to read up on pups for the blue - those Delanos could well be it!
  16. Sing it does, mmmwwwaahhh, though with a warmer more mellow tone than had it had an epoxy board. Agree fully on the pickup confusion. On that note, the Unicorn's pickups are actually handwound by Aaron Armstrong to Unicorn specs. Finally, as a side note to that note (hey, the thread is about my basses, ok? ), the pups in my Aria are also from Aaron - the old ones died on me and Aaron wound a pair nailing that Aria SB sound. He's a magician.
  17. [quote name='jmanfunk' post='565294' date='Aug 10 2009, 08:26 PM']Aha, thats the one. I was just too lazy to look up the Windmill website. How are you finding the one piece ramp/pick-up. I was seriously considering getting one for my Sei but I thought adjusting individual pick-up height for equal out-put would be compromised ie. you couldn't set the neck pup lower than the bridge.[/quote] Love it - output is perfectly equal between the two. (Not when the bridge pickup is in series mode though...) I would guess the neck pickup sits a little deeper than the bridge one. As the pickups are epoxy sealed from below there's no way to tell without ripping it apart though. Got this far once: BTW the pups are Häussel J and Twin-J. Passive electronics with a 3way switch for the twin.
  18. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='565069' date='Aug 10 2009, 04:16 PM']How about you just give it to me for free..? [/quote] Well, there's a first time for everything right? Let me get back to you on that - don't hold your breath though. [quote name='Shockwave' post='565171' date='Aug 10 2009, 06:09 PM']Pms regarding Windmill [/quote] Thanks Rob, replied. [quote name='Rayman' post='565175' date='Aug 10 2009, 06:10 PM']Best bass I've ever had, my old BB3000S, identical to yours, . That's a stunning collection you have there you lucky sod.[/quote] Thanks Rayman - guess it's a lousy comfort, but you're probably not alone regretting having parted from a BB once upon a time. Luckily enough for me temptations for trade were few and far between where I grew up, and I've managed to hang on to it. The BB and the Aria are like good old friends, you don't need to hang out all the time but when you do it's like you met just yesterday. [quote name='jmanfunk' post='565241' date='Aug 10 2009, 07:39 PM']Nicest collection I think I've seen on here to date. I love the fact you held to your basses from way back in the day. And that windmill is pure sex......mmmmmmm. I seem to remember Windmill producing a j-modern like that for Hadrien Feraud. Not sure whether it was a full on signature model or just a one off custom. It looked an awful lot like that.[/quote] Well it's a nice couple of basses at least, I'm very happy with them. I love trying out new stuff and try to keep the ones that inspire me to play more and hopefully better, and this is where I'm at now. Yeah, Burgundy Metallic, blocks and that ramp, that's Hadrien's signature model. Oh look, here's a picture of it: cheers guys // Matt
  19. [quote name='yorick' post='564650' date='Aug 10 2009, 07:50 AM']Welcome Matt....[/quote] [quote name='skankdelvar' post='564962' date='Aug 10 2009, 02:47 PM']Welcome Matt - hope you enjoy the forum BTW - Don't worry - Speling erros and pore gramma are very commun on this froum.[/quote] [quote name='Low End Bee' post='564989' date='Aug 10 2009, 03:04 PM']Hej Matt. I was in Upsalla two weeks ago. If you posted earlier you could have saved me from the family from and we could have shared a beer or two! Welcome aboard.[/quote] Thanks guys, glad to be here. Low End Bee - that's too bad, if you ever make a revisit do let me know. Hope you enjoyed the town, it's pretty quiet in summer when all the students are away. There's still beer aplenty though.
  20. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='564636' date='Aug 10 2009, 02:53 AM']Amazing collection you've got there. Despite the trophy ones though, I prob like Yammy and the Aria the best![/quote] [quote name='BassBus' post='564677' date='Aug 10 2009, 09:41 AM']Yeah, some gorgeous basses there. I'd agree with stingrayfan on the Yamaha. Those 80's BBs were lovely basses. I have a BB1100s which has a beautiful neck on it.[/quote] Thanks guys, needless to say those two are the ones I'm most likely to bring along to the great bass place in the sky one day. You must be able to bring along at least two right? They do hold their own quite well, especially the BB which is truly amazing. [quote name='Shockwave' post='564687' date='Aug 10 2009, 09:57 AM']That windmill fretless is amazing, i'd love to own it [/quote] Thanks mate, I'm open to any and all suggestions on that one. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='564728' date='Aug 10 2009, 11:01 AM']My favourite out of all these basses has to be that ken smith 5 string. I was quite interested in those sandberg basses, of course it does seem wierd that they should relic it only to put a musicman humbucker in the bridge position?[/quote] Maybe that's what happened at Sandberg - "this bugger of an MM pup [b]should[/b] fit in here". They do of course come in unscathed finishes also, but when shopping around for a new fourstring this came out the clear winner even though I was looking for a JJ. What to do? Of the "trophy" ones (haha, as if they were meant to hang on a wall) the Smith is in a league of its own. Quite versatile even though looks wise my blues mates seem to prefer I bring something else. [quote name='Kev' post='565020' date='Aug 10 2009, 03:27 PM']the windmills are gorgeous!![/quote] Thanks mate, methinks so too.
  21. Bear with me, just the work horses left... And yes, at the end of the day I'm a jazz bass fan. thanks for looking // Matt [b]Musicman Stingray 30th Anniversary Model[/b] Mahogany body, loads and loads of Stingray growl here. [b]Fender Roscoe Beck V[/b] Jazz with some really nice twists in a five string package. Great bass, can't see why Fender discontinued this model. [b]Fender Jazz -74[/b] Love it to bits. [b]Sandberg California JM4[/b] I'm not one for relics really, but the way this one plays I couldn't resist. Got an amazing neck, and resonates like there's no tomorrow. The way I like it - black pickguard and proper Fender knobs: [b]Mike Lull M5V[/b] Probably the sweetest fivestring neck I've ever played.
  22. Hello guys, With all the wonderful basses out there my setup is bound to change over time (at least it's done so in the past), but anyway I thought I'd share some pics on the ones currently in my care. More gear than talent for sure, but that's not really a problem now, is it? Love their different personalities, and unlike women these beauties don't seem to get jealous - not so much anyway. cheers // Matt [b]Aria Pro II SB-R80[/b] My very first bass, a Matsumoku build from -82 given to me by my dear parents in 1984. Thanks mom and dad, you set me off on a nice path there. Cracking bass, and built like a tank. [b]Yamaha BB3000S[/b] My #1 bass for a very long time. After saving up all my hard earned cash for over a year I managed to lay my hands on it in -87 (or was it 88?). Simply wonderful. [b]Ken Smith BSR5EG[/b] Fully loaded with KS magic. [b]Unicorn Artist[/b] Handcrafted by Christian Olsson of [url="http://www.unicornbass.se"]www.unicornbass.se[/url], an amazing luthier and bass player. Christian built this one for himself but has graciously allowed it to pass along to me since. He also built one just like it for Mark King - oddly enough I still need to practise that thumb wizardry. Playability and sound is amazing - incredibly responsive to how you treat it. [b]Windmill JModern[/b] cuddling with my [b]MGP Level 5[/b] The Windmill is my blue quilt indulgence, has an incredible B-string only barely beaten by the Smith. The MPG was a gift from my darling wife :wub: (how about that!). Though the Barts are sweet I see Nordstrand pickups heading its way in the future, think that would be a great fit. [b]Custom Windmill Fretless[/b] (aka the iPod Bass) Well, you gotta have a fretless (or so I was told) so why not one with some cool looks? Wonderful bass that doesn't quite get aired as much as it deserves.
  23. Hello everyone! As I've been lurking around here for some time I guess it's about time for an introduction. Name's Mattias, or Matt for short, saw the light of day in 1971 and started playing the bass as a 13-year old in 1984. I live in Uppsala just north of Stockholm with my wife and two kids, and spend my working days doing chemical engineering stuff within the biotech sector. My father who is a jazz pianist introduced me to the bass, or more to the point he patiently played jazz standards for hours on end with me while I was slowly absorbing how to play something meaningful and hopefully supportive on the bass. I'm incredibly grateful to him even to this day - I recall how magical it felt that I was part of playing real music, jazz no less! Never mind that I was playing scales either up or down for the most part. Well, it was fun, great fun, from the get go and I knew there would be no turning back. Apart from jazz which I played (and still do) with my dad and his guys, influenced by the 80's me and my pals went pretty deep into West Coast style pop/rock. Later on (90's-ish) I played in some more fusion-like constellations, and have also payed my dues in cover bands. Since ~00 I play more at home and less out than before, but the music is always there - perhaps I'm narrowminded but I can't imagine many things more fun than playing the bass! My current projects are a Robben Ford influenced type of blues band (though if I can help it without any tapping on my part) and a really fun band where we're mixing pretty AC/DC'ish guitars with more funky bass and drums and a singer that loves RHCP. For my bass playing at home I'm amazed and inspired by all the great stuff that's on Youtube - if only one could have been shown how to do Mark King's stuff back in the eighties... I'm very glad to have found Basschat, you guys seem to have a really nice place here. Thanks for reading through the ramblings of a bassoholic Swede! cheers // Matt Edit: Spleling error
  24. [quote name='steve-soar' post='563029' date='Aug 7 2009, 09:08 PM']Now that's more like it. Very, very nice and well done on the LabGruppen. The Ampeg pres are amazing.[/quote] Thanks a lot, and yes the Ampeg is pure gold. [quote name='Finbar' post='563068' date='Aug 7 2009, 10:04 PM']If you simplify that rig to the EBS alone, you have a buyer for your SVT-IIp right here [/quote] Thanks mate, good to know but please don't hold your breath.
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