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Everything posted by noc

  1. yeah it sounds too scary really.
  2. thanks guys, ill think about it and have a chat with him. Thanks a lot.
  3. I feel really dodgy right now trying to figure this out. Its not even me that will be doing the bring in. Thanks guys, i appreciate all the help and pointing out the tax thing in the first place!!
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1503413891' post='3358031'] Like all smuggling, it's a risk to be taken or not. How lucky is your buddy, in general..? Folks travelling out and back with stuff (not just instruments; cameras, expensive watches etc...) would be wise to have their original purchase papers with them, to show Customs that all taxes and duties have already been paid. If the final destination is not a, EU country, VAT would not be payable, but import duty of the final country would be. The documents required for 'sending on' in that way are rather complex, and probably beyond the scope of yourself or your friend. I'd have a real think about the whole deal if I were you. The odds against are stacking up. Just sayin'; hope this helps. [/quote] Yeah im feeling like that that... Would it be different if a citizen/someone who lives in the US was coming to visit England you think?
  5. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1503413226' post='3358026'] If your mate is prepared to say it's his, the chances of being pulled on it are very slim, but that's not to say non existent. He on,y needs to 'own' it, they aren't going to ask him if he can play it. We brought back an old accordion for a friend from Cyprus, only for its sentimental value to them. Got a few funny looks at check in but nothing this end. [/quote] It comes in a silver coloured metal flight case... You can probably imagine what that looks like right? Damn. Whats import on instruments from US? 30% like everything else?
  6. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1503412170' post='3358011'] I know someone who did manage to bring an instrument back without paying charges. They didn't fly direct, they flew via CDG in Paris, consequently their flight into the UK was from an EU country. [/quote] LOL Sneeky! God, this is really sucky. I didnt think what you bring with your luggage triggers custom tax. Thought it was just mailed stuff. But that means that ANYTHING people buy from abroad outside EU they should pay tax on as long as its over what, 30 quid... Damn...
  7. I dont actually live in England. Its just a stopover for me to pick it up there. Does that make a difference?
  8. LOL what gives?
  9. How would they know that? Also, my buddy isnt on a return flight. It is a multi destination trip for him so i believe his return carrier is different to his outgoing carrier.
  10. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1503405387' post='3357937'] So it's coming from the US? It will attract VAT and import duty. [/quote] It is coming from the states. So let me get this clear, anytime a guitarist/bassist fly’s to another country (let’s say out of the free EU zone) with their instrument because they have a gig or they just want to play it while they are wherever they are going, they have to pay vat on the outgoing and /or return flights? So people taking their acoustic with them on a beach holiday or the guy going to play at a small local festival abroad? Please dont misunderstand my tone, this news has worried me.
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1503404826' post='3357926'] Oh yes it will. [/quote] Really? How come? It will end up in the luggage hold in their instruments section. How would that then trigger a customs charge? I didn't know about this?!?!?
  12. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1503404736' post='3357920'] I really don't think oxidation of the electronics over 7 years is a major concern unless it has been kept in a fish tank (with fish). [/quote] lol
  13. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1503404736' post='3357920'] I really don't think oxidation of the electronics over 7 years is a major concern unless it has been kept in a fish tank (with fish). You'll see immediately form the hardware if that has been the case). My 51 year old P bass works just fine. I have bought basses unseen and so far so good if you take some precautions as the boys and girls have been saying above. [/quote] Yeah Im feeling OK about it, i just got a little worried after this so called specialist warned me about oxidation. Should i be able to tell popping the back plate open?
  14. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1503403622' post='3357904'] I think we're getting into the realms of needing to know exactly what bass you're talking about. [/quote] [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1503403825' post='3357908'] Talking of customs. Are you going to have to think about adding VAT to the cost when it comes into the UK? [/quote] No guys, no customs because it will be flown in as luggage with my friend. That wont trigger customs will it?! Its a Prat.
  15. You guys are awesome! Thank you very much. I was mainly worried about the electronics, someone had said to me that these tend to oxidise and over 7 years this was very likely. I guess the only way to know would be to open the back and take a look right? I will also get him to play it during a video call. I contacted the luthier and a brand new one would take 11 months to make and would come with slightly better electronics. As such, do you think a 23% discount on a brand new version of this bass is fair for a 7 year old version or should it really be more/less of a discount? How much value do customs lose over such a time?
  16. Hi Guys, Found a bass i want to buy. I wont be able to try it before paying for it and it is a long way away to return. I will have a friend who happens to be visiting the sellers country (who knows nothing about bass or an instruments in fact) pick it up for me and fly it home. Its pretty expensive but i cant fly over and try it myself. Its also made by a Luther known for real good quality work. Visually, it looks totally perfect. Not a single scratch/mark/ anything. Now my question is this, what is the likelihood that a well made high quality instrument will be in bad shape after 7 years if it looks perfect on the outside? Im guessing the only thing that could be an issue are the electronics. Its got villex electronics. Yes, i know, never buy unless you can try but if you cant try... The seller assures me its perfect. Help me out here guys? What do you think?
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