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Everything posted by pnunes76

  1. I didn't choose one yet. I'm looking which is the best model for me.
  2. It's a good bass for a beginner?
  3. You convinced me to try playing with my right hand 👍
  4. You convinced me to try playing with my right hand 👍
  5. Following your idea, my natural choice is lefty.
  6. I've didn'ttried yet.
  7. Hi guys, I'm decided to start learning playing bass. Among millions questions, I have a big one: everything I do in my life, I do it with my right hand, but to play a guitar I use the left hand. Should I learn with the right or left hand? Thanks
  8. Hi guys, I'm almost 42 years old and I'm thinking of starting to learn how to play bass guitar. I'm too old for this adventure or not?? Give me your advices... Thanks
  9. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1500400410' post='3337497'] Funny - Today I did a first lesson with a friend aged 76 - I am 73 & we met in the early sixties when he played rhythm guitar in a band whose lead guitarist left to join MY band, whereupon I became a bass player! Because this guitarist was one of the best in the UK (although we didnt realise this till later) my friend never bothered to learn anything about lead playing. So 53 years later here we are, me teaching him left hand techniques for playing solo stuff! Never ever too late.... And such a pleasure to renew old acquaintances! [/quote] What a inspiration! Go for it! I hope to learn bass guitar at 40's and still playing at 70's.
  10. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1500154183' post='3336009'] Sure, but how would he know that ? [/quote] It's just what I thought.
  11. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500073740' post='3335533'] You really have to pick the clips where someone is doing it right. Some guys have posted great song tutorials. And some, it's like, why did you post this, it's crap. Blue [/quote] Despite being a beginner and without experience, I have seen good videos for beginners.
  12. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1500030751' post='3335220'] you can use headphones for silent practice - i plug an i-rig into my phone. bass -> irig .... irig into phone ... headphones into irig ... run amplitube/fender app on phone [b][url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Zepthus-Guitar-Instrument-Interface-interface/dp/B01MTUBJVS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500030627&sr=8-1&keywords=irig"]https://www.amazon.c...1&keywords=irig[/url][/b] The app will import songs so you can play along silently, slow the music down, repeat parts etc if you can find an electric guitarist/keyboard player you can use a mixer and two sets of headphones -not perfect, but work-able regarding a collaborator, ask local music teacher or put a card in a music store window. [/quote] Nice tip!
  13. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1500026120' post='3335180'] in my view, the best mix for a older beginner is 1) an instrument that youre comfortable with - i) it looks like the ones you see on tv (fender, gibson, rick etc) so you feel the part. ii) its not too big or small for your hands or reach iii) it sounds familiar 2) some lessons from a teacher to start with so you get some good habits - so youre not fighting the instrument. 3) an accommodating partner or housemates so you can find time/peace and quiet (kids and chores are the death of hobbies) 4) a willingness to learn rhythm notation so you can access tab plus and learn about space. 5) the will to practice. [/quote] Thank you for your opinion. You match all the points that I have on my head to start playing bass. I'll take it as my main rules. The most difficult part will be to meet some mate to play along and keep the bass far, far way from my six years-old daughter
  14. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1500016495' post='3335093'] Yes but what if they have poor technique and he copies it ? [/quote] True!
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1499978443' post='3334993'] I have to disagree, playing along to YouTube clips is great but very different than playing in a band live. Anyone ever rehearse songs for an audition and you feel confident like you own the song? You audition with the band and everything falls a part. The YouTube clip is leading you through the song and you hear cues that are always there. And the tempo is always consistent.Those things don't necessarily happen live with a band. Blue [/quote] I agree. The youtube videos helps, but isn't everything.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1499794576' post='3333681'] Rubbish..! At ten hours a day, that's only three years..! [/quote] Ok, I'll quit my job tomorrow
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1499793541' post='3333671'] You may or may not be good dependent upon the talent and time and effort you put in. If you do your 10,000 hours who knows how good? [/quote] I will not live this whole time
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1499793041' post='3333663'] Some folks never reach even [i]that [/i]standard, despite starting from a [i]much [/i]earlier age. Don't ask how I know this. [/quote] Ok, I put my goal to a random bass player
  19. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1499791962' post='3333650'] It doesnt matter how old you are, you can get better. If you start at forty you will probably never be as good as if you started at four but that doesn't matter. [/quote] So, I'll never be a good bass player?!? Perhaps, a mediocre bass player is the maximum I can reach
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1499780672' post='3333553'] ... and lives in Portugal. [/quote] Exactly
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1499777839' post='3333526'] He's already mentioned Portugal, I believe. [/quote] Yes, I'm portuguese.
  22. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1499770940' post='3333446'] i think you should find a guitarist or drummer to play along with (even a fellow learner might do) . From there its a short hop to open mic nights. I honestly wish I'd done this sooner and I learned more, and got more confidence from staying in tune and in time with someone else on a few occasions than I did from the time spent doing solo practice. [/quote] Unfortunately, I don't have a fellow to play along and teach me the basics. So, I have to try by myself.
  23. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1499722623' post='3333211'] Can I congratulate you on your command of English ? It's a /hard/ language As a 40+ plus myself, it's the best thing I ever did to learn bass. When you see the crowd react to bass, your bass, you will know it was worthwhile [/quote] Of course! I hope when I start this adventure, I can feel the same experiences that you do. Will be a good prize for the decision to start learning bass
  24. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1499721847' post='3333202'] Started at 38 here and still going at 53. I'm starting to get OK at it now too. I'm the youngest in the band I play in too. I had some random musical background but I think... once you have got the basic motor skills and learned where a few notes are on the neck... that a few lessons can set you off in the right direction because there's a lot of good stuff on the interweb but a load of rubbish too. At the very least, don't try to blindly learn of tab. Figure out what you are doing. [/quote] It's my intention, don't only read the tab. The main goal is to understand what I'm doing, in this case, playing...
  25. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1499671564' post='3332788'] Well if you insist... Being left- or right handed is not like a switch where you are either one or the other. It is more like a continuous line: one end of the line is right handed and the other is left handed. There is almost nobody at either end, nearly everybody is somewhere along the line. Nearly all of us can do things with our 'wrong' hand (or foot) if we need to. How well we can do this is partly to do with how far along that line we are. Most people are nearer the right hand end. Scientists think this is because of a gene in the body that tells us to do things this way. Where each person is on the line depends on a number of things, some of which are genetic and some of which are what you could call 'social'. You can look all of this up on Wikipedia if you wish to know more. There are many myths about handedness, most of which are rooted in our culture. Left handedness has been heavily demonised in most cultures throughout history. Again, I won't bore you with too many details as there are plenty of places you can read about it. Perhaps just a couple of examples:- In Latin, the word for 'left' is 'sinister' and the word for 'right' is 'dexter'. The Romans hated left handedness. In Islam, the left hand is the 'unclean' hand (literally the hand used to clean oneself after defecation). The English phrase 'cack-handed' (meaning 'clumsy') is derived from this. The French word 'gauche' (literal translation 'left') is sometimes used in English to refer to someone who is socially inept or awkward. Finally, there are many reasons given for learning any instrument right handed. Some of them are sound, but others are somewhat fanciful. My personal favourite is one I first heard here a few years ago. It has been used in this thread as a joke, but it was once seriously suggested that left handed people should learn to play right handed because their left hand would be doing all the 'clever' stuff on the fretboard. In the first place, to say this is to completely misunderstand how your hands work on a bass (or any other stringed instrument for that matter); and in the second place, if it were actually true then by the same logic all right handed players should be playing left handed... Quite a long post, but you did ask. [/quote] Thank you for your explication. I know that the left-handed suffered a little bit because of that condition. Nowadays, I think this thought is meaningless and new generations son't see any problem to be left-handed at all. To show you an example on my family: my grandma was left-handed and when she was a little child, she's beat up because she us her left hand. The olders says taht the left hand is the hand of de devil...
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