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62 precision

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Everything posted by 62 precision

  1. [quote name='Musky' post='569318' date='Aug 14 2009, 06:10 PM']The only 150w 10" speaker eminence do at the moment is the Alpha 10 - which are pretty much what the SVT's use.[/quote] Thanks for that will take a look
  2. [quote name='Musky' post='569116' date='Aug 14 2009, 03:08 PM']The Bass Reactor cabs used Celestion BL10-100's apparently. See [url="http://www.carlsbro.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=533&sid=5b3a7c7bfa52ab2667502ac80e134532"]here.[/url].[/quote] Iv just contacted the owner of the cab and interesting as it loaded with Eminence 410 x 150 watt so 600 at 8 homs. The cab is about 7/8 years old. Its quite heavy but I'm thinking what else I could try new with Eminence. Although not sure if I would have the same sound im loving right now and don't want to give it back.
  3. Hi All can anyone tell me more about this cab iv borrowed, Carlsbro Bass reactor 4x10. I would like to know what speakers are in it. It sounds great with my amp and old Bass. Iv been trying to find one to buy but been told Carlsbro has gone bust. Im thinking of trying to get one made if i can find out exactly what its made of. I keep looking on Ebay but nothing there and iv looked it up on the net also no info. Just wanted to see if anyone knows anything before I have a look inside the cab. Thanks Claire
  4. [quote name='pete.young' post='300845' date='Oct 6 2008, 09:47 PM']Have to say that my modern EBS 2x12 Neo sounds a lot better with my Burman Pro 4000 than my Wem 2x15 ever did, with the added bonus that I'm not expecting it to disintegrate at the drop of a hat as soon as the volume goes past '3'. And you can pick it up with one hand.[/quote] Now I know I can't lift a 2x15 cab so that's going back. Iv tried out lots these few weeks next on the list is an Eden 1x15. The problem is I need to try everything in a gig situation but im in no rush as the sound city is sounding ok through the 4x10 Trace cab with both my Basses. Its interesting at the Jam every bass played by Jammers is sounding good and they are all have there own sound. The Trace Amp that was used before the SC gave the same bad sound to everyone. So im on a winner and quite a few players turn up to play and like the sound Its loud enough warm and clear even with the Guitar's cranked. Will be taking the SC to get it checked out make sure everything is set ok as want to look after it and may be He will have a few ideas on cabs to try out with it.
  5. Humble is fine This is interesting because I spoke to a friend last night who suggested JBLs and used a sound city back in the 70s and still has it. I do trust his Judgment due to him being in my view one of the best 70's rock Blues guitarists of that time and his experience of working with bass players and sound would be very useful so im meeting up with him tomorrow. I would like to get as much info as poss before buying and to try out cabs first. I think its just what will also sound right for me until I hear it I will not know im the one Playing needing to feel it that's the important bit of course. I'm interested in everyone's ideas so please keep posting it will help I do appreciate it Thanks
  6. I have been looking for the best sound for my 62 precision for years. Iv tried out everyone's rig I could think of and been to plenty of Jams and used new bass amps on hire at gigs. Mark Orange ashdown Ampeg Hartke oh the list is so long. I use PV black widow as the moment but can not get the tone and loudness I want. Now iv been lucky as a good friend loaned me his collection of old valve amps. I used a 4x10 Trace Elliot every Tue at a Jam so been trying them all out first was Impact by Status OH wow loved it but these are hard to find. Then Selmer 150 and that was good. I was lucky to find a Sound City 120 on E bay and have been so pleased with it as it has been totally re furbished and sounds good so warm. It has so much power that you have to be careful not to over load the cab.The 4 x10 is not the sound I really want. I am a lover of Eminence speaker they sound very warm with The 62 . I am trying to recreate a Vintage 50s 60s sound. I use heavy flat wound strings. I'm off to try out my friends 2x 15 cab ashdown just to experience 2 x15s. So am thinking shall I get my cabs made or look of something vintage but not sure if I will find anything. Also was thinking of getting 2 x tens so I can get some top tone punch as I need that for Rock. Any ideas would be gratefully received.
  7. 62 precision


    Hi Good to find somewhere to chat about my favourite subject Bass. Been Playing for 10 years so not long as still got loads to learn. The best thing is I never get tired of it and find it hard to do anything else but play my 62 precision and If i get it back soon my 74 its in the work shop. I play 50,so Rock n Roll , Blues every Tue and when I get the time work in a 3 piece band do a bit of yelling playing rock covers. Its been interesting being a girl on Bass but its good fun and i only have a passion for one thing BASS. I wanted to ask about getting the sound iv been after and im almost there so will post about it for advice later as this page is not big enough !!! I also find it hard not to talk oh so many Bass subjects i want to learn and the best way is to ask Bass players I hope. Catch you later !!!
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