Heres mine. Loveing the SA stuff especially the Aftershock. Goodbye B3K. Biggest suprise is i can use it as a clean boost as well, set it up to have a parametric mid boost. Still need the analog octaver though.
Fair enough. Cheers for getting back. Got an Aftershock which im v. Impresed with but want to get some more use out of it. The EQ is great so im using that for clean boost. Need a hub now so i can have more than 3 options. S
I tried a fair few and decided on the MXR. Its really easy to get a great sound and it tracks amazingly for an analog pedal. The mid boost is also a great feature for cutting through the mix. You can also get a pretty good synth sound if you dial out the direct.
Thanks. I'll have a look at the other pics but definitely interested. I see you have a FI on there I just got rid of mine as I wasn't using but wicked pedal. Trying the Manta instead.