So what is Grunge?
The eternal question.
Let’s stroke our chins over this one.
Did you have to be from Seattle?
Yes and No, but an association with the North West was a certain. It was born out of a frustration of lack of touring bands in Seattle abs therefore a home grown scene developed.
The scene that spawned grunge is very specific to that city.
Stone Temple Pilots were an alt rock band from San Diego. Did they have elements of what was know as grunge? Yes.
But so did bands both before and after the grunge moniker- Smashing Pumpkins, Live, REM, Pavement, Butthole surfers, Sonic Youth, pixies et al. However, their not, in no way grunge.
It was all alternative rock, grunge was quite a specific sub set.
Not that it’s relevant, but They sold millions and were massive in the 90’s. Fair play to them.
Were STP a grunge band? No.
Were they an alt rock band with massive grunge influences? Yes.