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Everything posted by Nothingman

  1. £275 if it goes this in next fortnight with pickup. I’m in a bit of bind so could do with getting shot. You will not find a better cab for the price.
  2. Price drop to £300. Offers welcome if you come and get it pronto. (Or a cheeky trade on a p bass) Needs to be gone.
  3. Hi everyone, New to drum plugins but I am looking for some recommendations for a free one to try out on some stuff I am working on. An all rounder would be good but this particular project needs some ambient/synth stuff. Any suggestions?
  4. The sunburst was easy to get rid of. Apparently came straight off with heat gun. Black round edges needed sanding as that bit is painted.
  5. I’d grab that if I wasn’t 200 miles away. Bargain.
  6. yes! thats the one. Looks like you are the oracle, gonna need to tap you up for my HB50 addiction.
  7. Cheers @kodiakblair keep flipping between the 2. Completely undecided. found some on eBay go HB so might get a couple and see them on in the flesh. Then I’d could get another bass to do up. 😏
  8. Been slack on the updates. But got the ‘Slab’ back last night and gave it the best amateur set up I could. 😬 Don’t think the photos really bring out the colour but it’s a lovely vintage cream with a hint of yellow. Mate did a bit of a re-wire too, stripped a little off the neck, oiled it up etc. Now, as you can see from my amazing photoshop skills, it I need to make a decision on pick guard. Stuck between black and dark red tort, with the tort ahead by a nose at the mo. Was never going to be a high end refurbishment but a quick sprucing up. As mentioned earlier, I was hoping to shadow him and learn how to do this myself. COVID put that idea to bed. However, now I’ve got the bug to work on more projects and learn a bit about refurbishing basses. I’m pretty useless with stuff like this, but I do love a challenge! Best start searching the Market place for some cheap beat up bodies.
  9. Circa £12m to organise Glastonbury each year. The worlds biggest green field festival so I’d imagine preparations and spending are well along. We’ll no see big festivals this year. I even worry for boutique ones like Deer Shed (which is excellent) that will need to be making a tough decision in the next couple of weeks. Grim times.
  10. The guys intoxicating. Saw him at the Church in Leeds a coupe of years back. One of the most spine tingling gigs I’ve ever been to. ❤️
  11. Yeah the screwdriver bits are mental. Properly owning with a massive finger to the white suprematists
  12. First saw that song just before his death. Docu is good, but not great. But a really interesting story.
  13. Just settling down to watch the documentary
  14. Great looking bass. Wish I had the cash. GLWTS.
  15. Just been sent this by my mate.
  16. Ah I see, cheers. Having a plate on it. They look odd all naked.
  17. Stunning! You’ve got rid of the bits of a tBird I don’t like.
  18. When I get them. Can’t go to his now 🙁
  19. @PaulThePlug yeah vinyl transfer thingy but the black is painted on. They’ll be no thumb rest as I’m not into them. Excuse my ignorance, I’m new to this stuff. But what is meant by cocktail stick the scratch plate holes? More photos when I get them.
  20. Picked this up off a fellow BC'er (El Capo) last year and it has been sat round gathering dust. First photo is his. It is a beauty considering the price so I have decided to spruce it up. No as my fat fingers are pretty ropey at doing anything practical, a friend of mine is doing the actual graft on this. I am just calling myself 'project manager'. Now despite 75% of my basses have been sunburst, I am not too keen on them. So with this we (well he) is stripping off the sunburst, which appears to be a wraparound coat (see picture) and going to paint it TV yellow/Butterscotch blonde. However, not decided which yet. The head stock was already shaped to mimic Fender one and there is a decent fender bridge on there. Going to take a wee bit off the neck, but not much as I like a hefty neck. Other than that, not much to do. Will see how PUP gets along and swap out at a later date. Just need to order a black 3 ply plate to finish it off and may do something different with the volume and tone wheels. So purely aesthetics at the moment. Really I am using this as an experiment to learn a little about building and re-painting guitars (although I can't shadow hime now!) so I know what needs to be doen and how much to spend if I see a project for sale in the future.
  21. Still buy vinyl, always will. Sonetimes I like to put a CD on. I still have blank cassette tapes and will make people an all vinyl mix tape, on occasions. Love the possibilities of streaming in order to discover new music. The convenience it brings - got a 100+ play list for my running sand the ability to share. Consume it all and bathe in it like Cleopatra in milk. It’s all good. However, vinyl is definitely the best sound, artwork and looks flipping great.
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