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Everything posted by Nothingman

  1. Have you ever ended up working on a really random project? When I came out of bass retirement my new band turned up at our friends studio for our first (or maybe second) practice. He was working on something and wanted us to add backing/gang vocals for it. We obliged. Turns out it was a Rick Parfitt tribute song By CJ Wildheart and ended up at number 2 on the physical single releases that Christmas. Better that Ricks collaboration with Rolf! Bizarre Secondly, I was interviewed by a producer from the Big British Castle, last year. When I was on Twitter I spoke openly about mental health and how the M1 was a bad trigger for me. So, to mark the 60th anniversary of the M1, the BBC created a documentary about it for radio 3. This involved a piece of music by the BBC philharmonic with interviews of M1 commuters spliced into it. I am one of those people. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0009qyz it wax broadcast a year ago, but this is the first time I’ve listened to it. Another utterly bizarre situation. Have any BCers ended up on random projects they never expected? Edit: yes, no bass content! 😫
  2. Yeah read that about countdown. Nick seems like a proper good guy. This week I have absolutely smashed my way through New River Head, Vavona Burr, We're Your Friends, Man, Tryptytch, Any Gas Faster and London Stone.
  3. Not decided. My mate is currently nailing He Be A Diamond purely as Fannies did it. So much to go from.
  4. Think we are going to try a sneaky cover tonight at practice. We’ve actually taken some inspiration for name ideas for our new project from a couple of the dong titles. Our WhatsApp group is a hive of activity today!
  5. Oh man. Less than a week ago, one of my bandmates decided to announce that he discovered the work of The Bevis Frond. He found them via Teenage Fanclub covering one of their songs. And I can see why Fannies cover them! All week I have been on a deep dive into their back catalogue. They seem to be a mash of lot of my favourite bands with some beautifully crafted songs. If anybody is into them, then please let me know. Can't believe I have lived without knowing of these guys. 2020 is blooming great.
  6. This week I’ve been listening to nothing but beautifully morose alt Indy songs.
  7. I like that. Shambolic Lo-if indie Slacker at its best. i’ll give you Devo 2.0
  8. Haha. I couldn’t do the weekends.
  9. Is there a word for feeling disgusted but in awe at the same time? 🤣
  10. PM’d. Happy to be 10th in line 😂
  11. I love my black JC, it is now my only bass. If I had a spare 500 clams I’d definitely get a gold one as well. Sadly, I don’t. Somebody needs to snap this up. GLWTS
  12. Last gig was September. I played 3 sets with 3 different bands at an all dayer. Tried to quit one of those bands after the show, they didn’t let me (best mates and all). Didn’t want to do one but couldn’t get out of it, not playing with them now. Then the third one was my band so all rosey. Pointless bank story there. As an almost 40 year old alt/punk kid, who is doing this for fun, it’s frustrating not to gig. But like so many others, as it’s not a revenue stream so I’m not too phased. I’m spending the time writing for a new project that I’m very excited for. Our first practice was a huge success and we are going at this with the main aim of making some really good recordings, not worried about gigging at the moment. A very fortunate position to be in. My heart bleeds for people that need to make a living out of this stuff. Venue staff, performers, techs and engineers. Things won’t get any easier for a while as those small gigs and venues will be hardest hit. However, when they are back (bigger, better, stronger) I’m going to love and appreciate them even more. I look forward to playing live again.
  13. That’s exactly the reason I got it as I used to play a lot like that. So PJ configuration seemed logical. Makes for a very versatile instrument. But since getting back into bass I mainly play with a pic so I have no requirement for a thumb rest that far back.
  14. Just had a discussion about that with a friend. Time will tell.
  15. Ah but yours has a lovely hard case. Lovely basses, just need don't need the J pup and would prefer a a P style neck. Maybe there is a collector who will have them all?
  16. Absolute banger, start to finish.
  17. Bump with a couple of pictures of nicks and scuffs. Open to offers and trades. Quite fancy a Blonde Classic Vibe 50s P bass...
  18. Your spoilt for choice with blue tooth/wireless for listening. But avoid going down that route for playing/recording instruments. Terrible latency. I have spent a lot of time trying to find what you’ve described. You MAY be able to do it but at a pointlessly phenomenal cost. Get good studio cans for playing. Get decent wireless for popping to the shops.
  19. This week I am fully immersed in Band Of Horses. Easily in my top 5 bands* of all time. Loved Bill Reynolds on bass and now Matt Gentling (former Archers of Loaf) is a a solid dude. So I decided to go on one of my 'journeys' and decided to try and learn as much of their bass lines as possible. Not that easy with my lack of talent and inability to hear bass via digital. but hey, they seem pretty straight forward. Got through about 17 songs in 3.5 hours last night, wasn't a complete disaster. Do it up, ya'll! *not just animal based band names.
  20. Loved fist album and pinched some droney bass chords off them in my playing. I used to knock about with the live drummer when we were teens. Both in different bands.
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