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  1. Thanks everyone! Very helpful. I think I will pick up that book sometime soon as you all seem to religiously believe in it!
  2. Thanks everyone you have really helped my understanding of this!
  3. Yeah that guy is very helpful! Thanks!
  4. Thanks Gareth... So is it always the 2nd chord you use? i.e --- A B C D E F G to make a AMaj7 it would be A C E G right? Or am I very wrong haha
  5. Okay so you may have seen my other posts asking noob questions... I really want to get better but I don't know where/how to learn! Preferably I can do it at home for free as I don't have much money or time! I have been watching SBL's so far and I'm gonna be honest I havent learned much at all. All I have learned is the major and minor scale... Not even using his tutorials after discovering he doesn't make sense to me. He doesn't have a good playlist on which videos are good to start with and he doesn't seem to make tutorials that are essential to know what you are doing for that tutorial! I know he has his pay thing and it is cheaper that getting a tutor but still I tried out the 2 week trial and it is still not that good! He spends most of the time talking about random sh*t and never gets to the point! Anyway I gonna stop ranting about Scott. Does anybody have a youtube playlist or website that teaches you in order? Not having to find videos and piece together what you need to know? Thanks in advance!
  6. Yeah I've been watching SBL's and I saw that he has made a video about it when someone wrote about it in the comments.... Can't seem to find it though!
  7. I'm a noob bassist as you will see in the following question.... What are 7th's and 3rd's etc? As in when someone say Dm7 or to play it a 3rd or a 10th lower? I hear this a lot in videos so I believe it must be important! I've only been playing for a short amount of time and I want to avoid being the stereotypical bassist and learn my sh*t! Oh and how do I play them?
  8. What is this instrument/tool that the bassist is using at the end of this song? You see him winding something past the nut where the string gets tuned and if the strings are plucked it makes the high pitched noise he is making. Any idea? [url="https://youtu.be/le6uFnLwqYU?t=183"]https://youtu.be/le6uFnLwqYU?t=183[/url] You see in the video that it is a circle being held up at the head with a piece of string. https://youtu.be/le6uFnLwqYU?t=142
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