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Everything posted by Bigguy2017

  1. I'm in Leith so it's not me...
  2. Hmmm.... shouldn't happen like that. Could be the nut is completely slacked off and not threaded on the truss rod - that would allow it to slide out. Press / tap it back in and then get an allen key and tighten (CW) until you feel it tighten. Take a look along the neck for straightness / relief.
  3. Is that an Epiphone Masterbilt Century De Luxe 4-String acoustic/electric Bass?
  4. I have fixed a few scratchy pots with a mix of 80% isopropyl alcohol and 20% WD40. Mix it up in a plastic bottle with a pointy spout top. Cleans and lubes. Worth a try when you're probably going to have to replace the pot anyway. ;-) Caig Deoxit is the best but pricey and was not always available - Amazon stock it now...
  5. I generally buy second hand instruments, for the better value. This can be 'blind' online, or after a hands-on examination. I bought my first MM Stingray new in 1980 in (Buzz Music Hereford after they couldn't deliver my ordered black Precision). I have bought new 'blind' off the web (2019 MIM telecaster) which was a great deal. Gibsons need to be examined before purchase as there are many potential problems. Quality of new kit, even the cheaper stuff is much improved from when I first started playing... back then most affordable basses were crap.
  6. And Neutrik connectors can be re-used; many times if your soldering is tidy. I do a lot of AV installs which start with rip-outs, so I have a ready supply of second hand jacks and XLRs. I have about half a bucket full... great when you need to bodge a cable together in a hurry...
  7. Sommer The Spirit XXL cable - the smokey grey stuff. Neutrik jacks - black ideally, one straight, one right angled. Make it up yourself or use designacable or custom-lynx on eBay
  8. I've heard of tape wounds; is this a way to make your own crappy😁 Elixir copies?
  9. That's like the Martin truss rod tool with a slight bend at the end... What size is it? StewMac have similar... https://www.stewmac.com/Luthier_Tools/Types_of_Tools/Wrenches/Soundhole_Truss_Rod_Wrenches.html Chinese generic 4mm or 5mm https://imall.com/product/Guitar-Bass-Neck-Bridge-Screw-Truss-Rod-Long-Wrench-4-5mm-Hexagonal-Adjustment-Spanner-Repair-Tool-D40/aliexpress.com/4000624298803/568-39530305/en https://www.ebay.com/itm/Ball-End-Guitar-Truss-Rod-Adjustment-Wrench-Tool-for-Martin-Acoustic-Guitar-4mm-/292817127501
  10. Meh, that's not a Mustang. Two pickups and the wrong bridge. I could go a JMJ though... 🙂
  11. Sounds like some high speed motor boating is going on. One of the op-amps oscillating? Suggests decoupling caps are faulty (or op-amp is blown). Check the soldering for dry joints (big cap bottom left corner in the underside looks a bit blobby). Gently wiggle the cables... any crackles? Lift one leg on the caps (green ones and electrolytics) and put a cap tester on them. Otherwise you need a 'scope and follow a signal through.
  12. But you didn't level them...
  13. That looks like the one .pdf drawing here https://www.neutrik.co.uk/media/8513/download/nlj2md-h.pdf?v=1
  14. Something is obviously vibrating, but what, where and why... If only certain notes it sounds like a resonance thing. Are the troublesome notes harmonics; does the octave of the nota also buzz? Is it volume related? If you have another amp, can you connect that to the suspect speaker? Can you plug the Frontman's amp into another speaker cab? This should isolate the problem. Possibilities; Something loose / foreign body in the speaker. Check the speaker spade connectors, bridge wires, surround and cone for splits, anything stuck to magnet, plectrum in speaker (!). Mechanical noise - something loose is rattling. Dry joint in the amp + cabinet resonance. Dirty pot or jack socket + cabinet resonance. Can't think of anything else...
  15. Excellent series, well worth watching. Beautiful to look at and great music choices throughout.
  16. 2004 Les Paul Standard for humbuckers 2019 MIM Tele for single coils Ovation 1993 Elite for acoustic...
  17. Audiomovers will stream from a DAW to a browser at very low latency https://audiomovers.com/
  18. Yes, pretty much. Big brother was the guitarist and a friend played violin so I got bass...
  19. My 2012 Ric 4003 has the narrower inlays
  20. Have a look at https://audiomovers.com/ It's a super-low latency plugin for your DAW, which streams audio into remote browsers. My brother has been using it for teaching and it works as advertised. Can be used in parallel with Skype or Zoom. AAX, AU, VST, VST3 OS X (64 bit only) Pro Tools 12,2019,2020 Cubase 9.5-10.5, LogicPro X, Ableton Live 9.5/10 Windows Pro Tools 12,2019,2020 Cubase 9.5-10.5, Ableton Live 9.5/10
  21. Hmmm... I'm not certain Fender are correct here.

    My P bass HMB uses 1/16" allen key for the saddles.

    0.07" (70 thou) doesn't really exist as a size...  there's 0.7mm (for M1.5 / M2 machine screws)

    Fender has the 0.05" (50 thou) one for strat saddles

    closest sizes are 

    1/16"    .0625"    1.587mm
    5/64"    .0781"    1.984mm

    Have you tried a 1/16" ?

    1. SpondonBassed


      That's funny.  They're usually precise.

    2. Roger Eve

      Roger Eve

      Yeah, I think it was a 1/16 I was trying it was too big. Managed to get .0.05 to work with the strings loosened. Thanks

  22. Start with a Stingray...
  23. For simple musical idea jottings I've found Audacity (Free) to be ideal. Best to get a simple USB I/O module Focusrite Scarlett Solo Gen 3 £83.00 delivered Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Focusrite-Scarlett-Solo-Audio-Interface/dp/B07QR6Z1JB/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Focusrite+Scarlett+Solo+Gen+3&qid=1585659442&sr=8-2 Gives one balanced mic i/p with phantom power and one line/instrument input with headphones/line outs with vol knob. I've got the line outs from my tc bass amp and Friedman combo on XLR to TRS jack cables. Plug in and play. If you're feeling a bit more ambitious and want to multitrack stuff then get Cubase Elements 10.5 for approx £85 If using Cubase and anticipating wanting MIDI keyboards etc. get the larger Scarlett 4i4 interface... Alternative cheaper 2 in 2 out with MIDI Steinberg UR22 MKII USB £101.00 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Steinberg-UR22-Audio-Interface-Support/dp/B017LVWBKW/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=steinberg+usb&qid=1585662318&sr=8-2
  24. Home at Last - great groove...
  25. All it needs is the magnets and longer screws to replace the pedals' own cover screws. Screw the magnets on like rubber feet and stick the pedal to a steel pedalboard ?
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