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Everything posted by joe_geezer

  1. The old Bull: And the young calf... (snapshot taken from the Status website for comparison - i don't own this bass)
  2. Exactly this ^^^^^ I agree and the individual square bridge was slightly better than the last rounded incantation IMO. Jaydee & Wal both kept their distinctive hardware & it's a shame Status didn't but the newer S2-classic headless basses were very nice, especially with black hardware... gorgeous! But, if it was up to me, i would always stick with the original distinctive hardware for sure.
  3. Very cool bass!
  4. https://www.anacondabasses.co.uk/
  5. Hasn't arrived yet but here's a taster...
  6. I better order some extra pickups and a preamp... Also, you have to add to the price the duty and shipping costs if you're buying from abroad..
  7. Sad to hear that, I just hope Status bass prices don't go the same way as Wals now
  8. Hi guys, Status bass incoming, a series 2 (or could be an Empathy) headless 4-string in very good condition. Pics to follow (and will pose with a 2021 Jaydee)
  9. A great close up video of Mark's Starchild bass, thanks to Julian
  10. Yea i just used Quick time and the mic on the macbook, pretty lame i know ! I have a Tascam model desk / soundcard that i will use, thanks you
  11. Thanks for listening! Sorry I need to get some better software for making videos, maybe final cut pro or something...
  12. Some old Mark King licks played on a Jaydee Supernatural Series 3
  13. This might help, from George Anderson himself
  14. thats a reasonable weight for British made bass (Jaydee, Wal & Status)
  15. Whats the weight of this, i've heard these can be quite heavy...? super cool bass!
  16. It looks like a GA24?
  17. removed
  18. My Yamaha TRB Mark 1s
  19. Apparently John Diggins made 5-6 basses for Jaco but he died before receiving them...
  20. Agree 100%
  21. And how many strings did the Alembics have?
  22. That's a stunning bass, just out of interest, how much did you sell it for?
  23. Pics please!
  24. Haha I have a pic of Mark King with a lawn mower... he's actually not a bassist at all , he's just a gardener on Isle of Wight
  25. Starting a new thread as the old Jaydee porn thread is full of dead links and has been dead since 2017... Ok lads, lets have it! I'll start the ball rolling.....
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