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Everything posted by joe_geezer

  1. I love Jeff Berlins playing and his sense of harmony is extreme.... but I can't get his bass tone, it's always swimming in way too much chorus. He could play any bass and it would just sound the same. Sorry for moaning because I do actually love his playing!
  2. I own 5 Yamaha TRB mark 1s ... I would put them up there with NYC Sadowsky's I know as I have owned 2 of them and sold them both but kept all my Yamahas.. I use to play in a Jazz club in Paris & a chap that use to come and watch our gig owned a couple of Ken Smiths and said my Yamaha TRB 4 string always sounded much better than his Smiths...
  3. I wonder how many instruments Jaydee have in flight at any one time... must be in high double figures at least?
  4. This
  5. Mark King will always been know as a 4 string bassist to a lot of us, a single video wont change my mind on that lol
  6. A lot of the bass legends seem to stick with 4 strings, yea they might dabble in another brand's 5 string but generally stick to their 4 string brand. I think Jaydee have so many orders that it just wouldnt be efficient for their production line to accommodate to much diversity.. (im only guessing and have no real knowledge on this so take this with a pinch of salt... )
  7. Wow! you are too kind! i hope he cherished the gift. I just got back an invoice today from Jaydee for the fretless order but no details on the GA24 so i'm guessing that it's probably in a queue and they are very busy... bloody Mark King's fault!
  8. Any pics of the old GA24? did you move it on?
  9. This is the bass on ebay as of this evening
  10. That's fantastic! I normally pay in full about 2-3 months before its ready. What are your Series 1 specs?
  11. I placed my order for the GA24 in November 2021, it also has inlays but i don't expect it to be ready until at least June next year at the earliest . It all depends on how busy they are, with Mark King now returning to play Jaydees exclusively, they might be very busy!
  12. There's a Jaydee Series 3 now on ebay from 1987 (seller is based in USA). If you search "Jaydee Supernatural Series III Bass 1987 Very Nice" I won't post the link as it my conflict with BC's code of conduct. I can't tell if the colour is a faded white or yellow...
  13. I only actually have a Supernatural Series 3 but on order I had a GA-24 and now obviously the series 3 fretless. After the price hike on Wals & the closing of Status I just want to get a bunch of Jaydee's while the the prices are so reasonable.
  14. Haha How could you tell?
  15. I've just placed another order today for a pearl pink Jaydee series 3 fretless.... also asked John for some update build pics of my green GA24 ....
  16. Wow! She looks like she's going to be a beauty!
  17. Wow, i thought i was the only one that remembered Judie Tzuke... great artist!
  18. Great song and great bass playing! Reminds me of The Cure / Simon Gallup, great job, wish you luck!
  19. Nothing (IMO) comes close to Yamaha Mk 1 tones but at the price that your hand needs to navigate a considerably wider fretboard.
  20. I would advise against modifying any Yamaha Mk 1s. They are so well built and constructed that changing the fingerboard will decrease the value and probably the playability. Just save up for a JP 1 if you want ebony or be happy with a rosewood. All Yamaha MK 1s have fender style string spacing, if you don't like that then you won't like Yamahas, take a look at the Ibanez Prestige series . all made in Japan and have tight string spacing for smaller hands.
  21. My Advice is get a JP MK 1 34" scale. It was good enough for JP to record on most if not all Chick Corea's albums on GPR label as well as most of his solo albums. I think the 35" is just no good for a 6 string because the tension of the high C string is too taught / tight. Some folk complain about floppy B strings but again, thousands of albums were recorded and are still recorded with 5 strings with a 34" scale and sound great & unless you have Stanley Clarkes hand size then i'd stick to 34 (btw Stanley actually plays a 30" scale bass)
  22. Another snippet of the Jaydee in actions... sorry about the knee in the video frame
  23. Whole heartedly agree! I'm just a horder
  24. Whenever I've had 1 bass I seem to play it a lot more and am generally happier with it... now I have 7 basses and hardly play
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