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Everything posted by DJpullchord

  1. Great album. For me, the first is the weakest.
  2. My father claimed to have sold him drugs, (great romanticist was daddy), one of his many tales, along with being spat on by the stones in Chelsea somewhere.
  3. Sleeping with children muddies anything he wrote for me. He wasn’t any good anyway was he?
  4. What a good gesture. How about a local high school?
  5. There is an argument that a half decent guitarist or bassist should be able to make any old crap sound tolerable.
  6. Would a builder not have a van?
  7. Nice one. Gizza link?
  8. What was Mayall like?
  9. I need to make more effort. I can read music but it’s like doing soduku. What I did find many years ago, was that if I learnt a piece by reading it, I was almost reliant on the score to play. Where if I learnt a piece by ear, my musical memory would be betterrer.
  10. I can never remember the bleedin’ key signatures.
  11. Playing triplets very quickly on three strings.
  12. 2k? Weekend away with Mrs £500 trip to theme park etc with kids £300 whats left, blow on the most outrageous thing you can!!! How much have you lost on accumulators.............?
  13. Think I’ve found a way! ’spores’
  14. Phone only at the moment. I may see if I can upload to YouTube and post that. Computer is packed for imminent moooooove.
  15. Thank you all for your input. We get the keys this weekend and I’ll then establish what needs to live in the garage. Also how much shelving I need to erect etc. I’m fairly practical, are there any links to self build bass traps? thanks again!
  16. Cheers chaps. I’m still at the stage of negotiating with the wife, over what will be kept in said garage. It’s a dynamic situation. I need to build this studio without her questioning the price of anything, lots of ‘oh it only cost me thirty quid’ type conversations.
  17. Can’t upload to it from a phone. Will have to miss this one!
  18. Can’t find an option to create an account? Do I need the app? ta
  19. I’m moving to house with an underground garage, maybe 16’ x 14’. There are no neighbours so I intend to make as much noise as possible. Get some recording gear etc. The floor is concrete and walls block. Would standard carpet be okay for aiding recording in the future? I literally know nothing about recording music, sound engineering etc but very excited at the prospect of learning!
  20. Okay I’ve done one. its called ‘spores and chainsaws’. please excuse all the background noise, family life etc. How do I get onto here from a voice memo on my iPhone? Is it even possible? Please excuse my ignorance.
  21. ‘Tis all just labels anyway.
  22. Can I enter if all I have is an acoustic guitar and an iPhone to record with?
  23. What’s stopping you playing chords? I enjoy Keaveney’s show!
  24. Hmmmm maybe moneybox?
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