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Everything posted by DJpullchord

  1. Oh I thought you meant the band. They were equally abhorrent.
  2. It’s cheating!
  3. Anything by ‘scouting for girls’.
  4. Learn the most funest ones.
  5. My first band was called ‘imitation crockery ‘.
  6. I’ve dropped the strings as far as they can go and it’s like a different instrument. I can now hammer on pull off and tap with ease. Also slap and pop, although I’m in two rock bands so absolutely pointless but does annoy the wife. Tone is different though, not as rich, how does distance of strings to pickup affect tone? thanks!
  7. Thanks for that, my ears hear differently though. Notes missing? Could just be my recording? May have to go back to the old way of putting the effort in to work out a song! Thanks though.
  8. Hellooooooo Anyone know where there’s an accurate tab or dots for stormbringer? Thanks.
  9. Yeh, it’s quite high. Undoubtedly, I do need to practice more. I’m not super slow though. Really just trying to nail the scales in ‘immigrant song’ consistently.
  10. Hello basssters. I need to play a little faster and perhaps lowering my strings may help. Is there anything one should consider before getting the Allen keys out? Thanks.
  11. Brrrrrrrrr
  12. Love the headstock!
  13. Just experiment and if you hit a bum note either look like you meant to play it or miss it out next time round. After a while your fingers will move about without engaging with the brain. It’s weird. I’m in a pentatonic trap though, so you should probably take advice from others first.
  14. Brilliant! I’m gonna try and write something on one string, on an electric bass.
  15. Cheers guys. Some good advice. Tomorows homework is burn by purple. Great fun to play!
  16. Ahhhhhh the immigrant song is one I’ve been asked to learn. Not even looked at it yet. Got a set with a new band and there’s loads of bass and toms playing together tightly. Just practice maybe. I guess no one will notice if you go to easier fills more often than others. In fact nobody will notice but me.
  17. What do you guys do when you have trouble learning a bass part for a band? Maybe it’s just too quick for one of your hands? I’m guessing it’s unrealistic to try and recreate studio recordings faultlessly, if you’re just jamming in a room. Do you plough on and copy the piece or just do your own user friendly version? I’m officially struggling with some stuff but guess it will make me stronger.
  18. Sermon on the mount-Jesus what a gig.
  19. Are you are you sure this is tennis elbow? Get a second opinion amigo. Ive had tennis elbow in both arms for over ten years. Caused by repeated overuse of the forearm. Basically tensing the muscle for lengthy periods as a stonemason. Never had a problem playing guitar as the forearm isn’t used (unless neck dive) but can be agony lifting a cup. I sometimes wear a strap (prrrrrrp) to restrict the use of muscle. Im not saying you don’t have tennis elbow but I really would get a second opinion. good luck!!!
  20. Heaven- 2 minutes to midnight. Hell- trying to learn 2 minutes to midnight.
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