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Everything posted by Lee-Man

  1. [quote name='Higgie' post='19023' date='Jun 17 2007, 02:20 AM']If I don't get a Sadowsky soon I will ACTUALLY tear all my hair out and prance around the room like a bald fairy.[/quote] I know the feeling, I have an NYC 4 at the moment, I'm really GASin for a Sadowsky Fretless 4 to go with it. I would also like a Sadowsky with MM pick up, I emailed them as I have seen some prototype ones in the past but they won't make em any more
  2. Doesnt Lee Sklars bass have this set up? Doesnt seem to have done him any harm.
  3. Horace (and the specials) is a big influance of mine. If fact one of my mates has just landed the gig playing with Roddy Radiation.
  4. [quote name='TGEvans' post='20292' date='Jun 19 2007, 05:08 PM']It aint on their web site yet. Not being released until september/october. So if it is just essentially the second channel of the 500 wat head I could use it in conjunction with my db680?[/quote] Yep, thats the idea. I have a DB680 + DB728, I bought an Ag500 a few months ago and the dity channel is excellent. I think there is a video on youtube with Dave B. at NAMM showing it off. Lee
  5. Wow, good job mate. Any sound clips??
  6. [quote name='blamelouis' post='17255' date='Jun 13 2007, 10:40 PM']I seen that before and if i had the money id take it of your hands.[/quote] It's a wickid bass, almost as good as my Sadowsky NYC + it was actually played by DJ in the USA. In fact it was in a magazine (bassist) 10 years ago and I wanted it then so when it came up for sale I jumped at the chance of owning it. BUT and it's a big but, I want a Sadowsky Fretless and at this point have no spare money to buy one, so the A bass is up for sale.
  7. have you seen this [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1227&st=0&gopid=17244&#entry17244"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;#entry17244[/url] Shameless plug!
  8. I have a 8 unit rack that contains: Aguilar DB680 pre Aguilar DB728 power amp Korg tuner (no idea which one) Furman Power Conditioner This is feed in to 2 Aguilar GS410 cabs. I'm also using an Aguilar AG500 for quick load in's, it's very nice considering there are no valves in it.
  9. Just pointed out to the misses that my GAS could actually be worse!
  10. [quote name='Aussiephoenix' post='12961' date='Jun 6 2007, 12:12 PM']The Tokyos are active/passive as usual for Sadowskies right? I imagine the preamp and the pups themselves are the same build and the truer 70's jazz sound is mainly from the body diference and the pup placement...[/quote] I think the pick up placement has the most effect on the sound. I can't remember if they have the active/passive switch, but it's not a hard mod if they don't.
  11. My NYC seems to be abit lighter than the Metros I've played, theres not much in it though. I belive the now dufunct Tokyo series have a standard size jazz body (Sadowskys are normally slightly undersized) and the pickups are placed in the '70's Fender position. The tokyo's sound more like a '70's Jazz than the 'standard' Sadowskys. I'm a massive Sadowsky fan, in my eye's they are all fine basses at the top of their game.
  12. I some times wonder if any one actually falls for these scams?
  13. Cheers for that guy's. It's a shame to hear that it's rubish.
  14. [quote name='ped' post='5993' date='May 24 2007, 07:56 PM']Hi Lee, I have heard mixed reports about this system. on paper, it sounds wonderful, but I think it was Kiwi who was talking to one particular guitar shop who were having terrible trouble with the machine and some others who have not considered it worth the money. On the other hand I have heard that it is 'amazing' etc. A tricky one. I would like to think the traditional Luthier approach would be the most loving way to give your bass a spruce up![/quote] The guy that did all of my old bands guitars & basses used to do a fantastic job, but he dissapeared a few years ago and since then every one I've used (including a leading bass retailer/builder) just havent come up to par. It's a difficult one, not sure I like the idea of cnc machines taking over the world, however I don't want to pay some one that can only do a half arsed job.
  15. After several years of (ab)use my Sadowsky needs some love in the frets department. Has any one tried the Plek system, if so was it beter than the traditional luthier approach? Cheers Lee
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