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RIM Basses

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Everything posted by RIM Basses

  1. Quality guys, new website will be rimcustombasses.net working on it with wix hope to be up soon
  2. Loving the shoes, haven’t sold any yet. Not sure how that happened. Go daddy will be getting a call
  3. Taurus TM2 £130 Nordy 2b4b preamp £110 Nordy NJ5 £115 Nordy big single 5 set £120 Basslines mm pickup and preamp £80
  4. NJ4 sets both sold Aj60 set sold Basslabs bassxx preamp sold
  5. New pickups and preamps for sale from stock clearout Nordstrand NJ5 set £125 Nordstrand Big single 5 set £140 Bartolini 59CBJD set £ 100 Basslines MM5 pickup with STC-3A Preamp no pots £ 100 Taurus TM-2 Full Onboard preamp £ 150 Nordstrand 2B-4B onboard preamp £ 150 Cheers, Robbie.
  6. Hi Shaun bud, good to hear from you mate. Yeah all good at the mcdade family, my wife is five months preggas and we are having a girl, jake will be a big brother. Wow time flies, it's so nice to hear from you guys. I'm really enjoying David's 8 and he's a top bloke also, lots to do but we will get there, good to hear from you also Garry mate glad to see the axe is still killing it for ya, so got to do my singlecut marseer range, more updates from David soon and hey a new arrival late August, that's the baby not the 8 string lol!
  7. Looking cool bud, been looking into building my own valve amp with four kt120s gonna get some books off amazon and do my homework ha
  8. Alot of bass for a good price, someone will be very happy!
  9. Gary and John are good friends of mine, this bass is killer! So nice to play, really enjoyed making the pickup which is a single coil based on the jazzmaster pickup. Alnico 3 poles wound around 8.5k The guys are looking to do some more and they are also now spraying my basses, so cant wait to see Mikes 6 string fretless build. Cheers, Robbie.
  10. Pete was a great bloke, had the chance to have lunch with him down in HW at the local snooker club. He reconditioned my tired wal Mach one custom that I picked up on ebay for £ 425, this was back in 1998. He only charged me £150 for the work which was an amazing deal, it was like new again and he told me the history of the bass which had been owned by one guy in scotland for over 14 years. I wish i never sold that bass, RIP Pete x Pete
  11. Great to have Chris on board with this Jazz 5 Custom, shame its not gonna be the first Singlecut Marseer but im sure its gonna be a killer J! maybe I will try and get time to do the first Singlecut Marseer as a fretless Mmmm.
  12. Shep bud thats one sweet bass you are getting, monday cant come quicker for ya! Enjoy it you gearhead lol.
  13. had a great time last night, good to hook up with shep and dood, loved hearing all the frizzle fry stuff brong back memories aged 16 and pissed up in the park lol
  14. Have a bump on me, someone needs to snap this bargain up!!! Good luck with it Simon!
  15. 46 & 2 all day long!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og-6ewDlksM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og-6ewDlksM[/url] Hush by Tool also, Im a huge fan and been listening to them since Opiate. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF_WKwbueG8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF_WKwbueG8[/url]
  16. Always loved R Basses, have a Bump on me!
  17. Big fat bump for this amp, was tempted but gotta get myself a new planer/thicknesser !!!
  18. Chris bud, thats one sweet GB! Enjoy mate. Cya on Sunday also.
  19. Forget both and get yourself a Protection racket case, Should be able to get them on ebay, real nice cases. Im using them for my customs now. Robbie.
  20. In the past ive always used d'addario exl230 55-110 for my drop c tunings
  21. Coolio bud, two nice basses!
  22. Mmm lets hope things work out, youve always got your Marseer to cry on if its not ready.
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