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  1. True enough, I do play in bands occasionally, usually covers ( I find originals bands a pain to deal with ). I love doing covers with bands and its fun, and I will be looking for a band when I have enough time outside of current life responsibilities to commit.
  2. I usually tab songs by ear as projects as my music theory is lacking it helps me understand how theory works etc. But yeah that does sound awesome I will check it out!
  3. Do you know me already 😂😂
  4. Yeah I did say alot of high end fender. Which I'm not keen on. Well I'm very very keen on Ibanez ATM. Loving the sound and looks. I'm going to go PMT and ask for them to order in the single cut I posted earlier as they sound immense and have 18mm spacing I'm also keen to tryout a Btb which have 19mm spacing I've pretty much decided to stick with 5. Playing yesterday I found myself using the Low B as I was deliberately trying to incorporate it. In a band setting I'm sure I would use it alot like I did many years in the past! So as many of you have said I think it's best I perserve with a 5 that fits my needs a bit more and just learn to 'git gud'. Thanks for the advice guys really appreciate it!
  5. Now sold, thankyou!
  6. No chance! Play far to much slap etc
  7. Your partner sounds like a legend. I have no chance of that working for me 😂. Bass direct is actually closer for me a fair bit but still so far it would require a day off work. Still. Booking some holiday and driving up there is probably a good idea! Appreciate the advice!
  8. Ah yeah I should probably mention I do own a cheap 4 stringer. A Dean edge I've had for 15 or so years! Sounds like crap but really well built. Hence the decision making as the Dean is very basic . Yeah I probably will end up travelling. Difficult for me to go far ATM tho with family visits work and a young baby so I'll probably have to be patient!
  9. Was in there a few weeks ago, couple of nice Ibanez models and some fenders but a lot of it was entry level stuff. Is a good shop though. Speaking of Ibanez I love the SR series, love the sound and look and need to try one, but unfortunately the SR 5 strings are also narrow spacing, EXCEPT the single cut which has 18mm spacing. No experience with single cuts but its super affordable and looks...odd!
  10. Unfortunately yes, Quite a few bands I like make full use of the open B note. Local stores around here are pants, If it isn't a fender I cant try it, I appreciate your opinion about sticking at it though! And yeah fella get practicing, being a bedroom bassist is pretty much why I spend lots of times practicing advanced techniques, Im rubbish at theory and I will be looking at lessons to help me get the most out that soon!
  11. Ah yeah man, 4 strings is a different ball game entirely, I can go crazy with the double thumb pops and triple thump etc. That's kind of what makes me want a nice four string, but when I ever play a four string is when I suddenly decide I want to do Dream theatre or Threshold covers, which both use the Low B a lot. I definitely need to try a few wider spaced 5 strings like I owned many years back, and at least If I don't enjoy it can drop back to a 4. I guess im looking to hear from players that have both gone from a 4 to a 5 and stayed, and also those that went back to a 4 from a 5 for whatever reasons!
  12. Warwicks usually have 16.5mm spacing, At least mine does, Ive opened them up as much as I can without the strings being too close to the edge and its given me another half a MM or so. I expected there to be an adjustment period but even after nearly a year I cant double pop on it, It's just a little cramped for me, seen loads of good players double popping etc on their wicks though.
  13. I don't know what I need! I think probably what I need to accept is that if I stick with a 5 string I vant play it as easily as a 4 string I guess! Those sires look great! But if they use jumbo frets I probably wouldn't get along with them so great. Just a preference thing
  14. Absolutely gorgeous. I'd be really interested if mine bass shifts. I have a feeling yours will before mine though!
  15. Yea that's some serious Dosh there! I'm deffo at a crossroads with my identity as a bass player more now then I have been in a long time. I guess that's partly due to being bandless.
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