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Posts posted by FirstBass

  1. I've bought more and more gear in my search for "that sound"


    Every time I think i'm sorted, I then see something else and GAS creeps back in. 


    I even decided to go rack mount a while ago and have never used it out of the house..... 


    I can't bear to sell any of it either. Don't get me wrong, its mostly all "middle of the road" or secondhand kit, but i've got it squirrelled away all over the place. 


    And don't get me started on the cabs that i've built! There's at least 10 cabs in the loft at the mo with more in the spare bedroom, garage and shed. 


    I have issues that's for sure..... 😂 I'm even hovering over a "buy now" button today for a pre amp I really don't need..... but it'll scratch an itch for a while...


    Does Bassplayers With Excessive Kit Issues Anonymous exist? 

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  2. As much as I love my new squier bass, I certainly have gotten more of a wow factor from my harley benton purchases. Mrs Glambass didn't believe me when i told her how much my latest one cost. I had to show her. I guess she knows my techniques after 14 years.... 😉 


    I've got a fair few now and they never cease to amaze me how they can produce a bass to such a good standard and still make a profit. Maybe i've just been lucky, but all of my purchases have been cosmetically great. One required a little action tweak, but i'm not complaining at that.  


    I bought a JB-75MN a while back and for £148 it really is quite a piece of kit! Its done a shedload of gigs and if it gets dinged, used as a baseball bat or run over by the tour bus i'm not going to cry too much.


    I'm no label snob - i'm quite happy to gig with a HB. 

    • Like 3
  3. I fell foul of this post too and found myself ordering a red precision for £259 delivered whilst mildly drunk on holiday (I had toothache, so I thought a purchase would ease the pain - it didn't)


    It arrived on 22/9/23


    It did it's first gig the following day 


    It did it's second gig the day after (A Sunday night gig for a load of tattooists in Magical Great Yarmouth - most unusual. We weren't really needed, but hey ho)


    For the money it's a really lovely piece of kit. Setup was fine, finish was great. It also got the mrs Glambass seal of approval which is always a brucey bonus ("ooo that's pretty!")





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  4. I've had a photo cull recently Phil and haven't really got any decent images of the 12's left (shame on me)


    I can take a pic or two of them and post them on here, but they're not really very exciting visually 😁


    They won't be coming out for a gig for a few weeks now as all my dates are either tiny, have sound limiters (joy of joys) or resemble god's waiting room (ssshhhhhh!)


    I'm still enjoying the 8" fane cab I built (its now my "go to" house practice cab) I must get round to building another. Tiny stack!


    I've got a couple of cabs in the garage to finish off (any chance of those fearful 12 cube crossovers parts @stevie 😉) and then I may have a go at an SM212 in a smaller enclosure. I have 2 x 50L rear ported cabs and the bass on tap is insane in smaller venues. Great outdoors though!

    • Like 1
  5. I fitted the battery so only the negative terminal was touching the contact in the housing. 


    I then set up my multimeter and touched the leads in series between the positive terminal of the battery and the positive terminal in the housing 


    I read 6mA using this method. Seems about right to me (what do i know 😁)


    The reading dropped to zero when the 1/4" jack lead was removed from the bass


    Maybe I was just unlucky with 2 batteries, but i'm not the first to experience this from a few google searches





  6. I've done a test with a multimeter on my Yamaha BB734A and it seems to draw 6mA when plugged in. Tweaking EQ or altering volume makes no difference to the draw. 


    Being a tightwad I recently bought some USB ported rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries and thought "that'll do a treat"


    They are horrfic! They hiss like crazy when the top end of the eq is turned up. I tried them in an MXR M80 and they made it screech when the distortion was selected. Bum......


    Put a "normal" battery back in and hiss be gone. 


    I've bought a couple of Varta rechargeable 200mAh batteries (NI-MH) and these seem to be much better with no hissy fits


    So I guess the question is - what rechargeables have fellow basschatters found reliable and long lasting in their basses? 


    If the bass only draws 6 milliamps then i'm hoping to get a few hours between charges, but I guess we will see. 


    I'll keep a spare nearby for the next few gigs 😉



    • Like 1
  7. I do mine with a router using an arm, but it is a faff - lovely finish though


    A jigsaw and a steady hand works fine. You don't really see any wobbles as long as theyre not too wild. A new, narrow blade helps with the cut. Slow and steady wins the race....


    I've also got a bigger, souped up version of the image attached. It's probably as old as I am and was always in the toolbox in my dad's garage. 


    I use this with a pillar drill though. I wouldn't fancy trying it with a hand drill....


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  8. Greetings all


    I had the pleasure of playing to the good folk of Blakeney in Norfolk last night for their yearly "Party in the Pastures" event. 


    We had to provide our own PA and to say it's a bit Heath Robinson is the understatement of 2023. I don't go into the PA, so I have to provide some decent oomph when playing outdoors. 


    I wasn't sure what to take. We were playing in a circus big top tent with one side taken off so the punters could sit on hay bales and enjoy a few shandys....


    I ended up going for my pair of basschat 12" cabs that I put together last year. I've not had many gigs this year where 2 needed to come out to play, but I felt they'd be my best chance of getting the sound and the level I needed. 


    Let's just say that I wasn't disappointed!


    I even stretched to the expense of a 9v battery for my active Yamaha bass. Wowzers! That made a heck of a difference! Top end came to life! If only I could find a decent rechargeable battery to use. The ones I have tried recently generate noise in the preamp. I must investigate further. 


    I stood the cabs "portrait" mode so they looked rock n roll 😁. I have mirrored baffles, so the top one was in effect upside down, but nobody would've known. This keep the HF elements close together. 


    They were powered with my trusty, cheap TC BH800 head with a bit of compression via one of the toneprint controls. Simplicity itself (just like the owner)


    My tone was clearer than it'd been in ages thanks to the active bass actually being used in "active" mode and really full. I could feel notes as well as hear them. I was mildly concerned for the faital drivers at first, but I needn't have worried. 


    EQ was pretty much flat. I added a little top end at first (as I usually do when using the bass in passive mode) but this was removed a couple of songs in. 


    It was one of those gigs where the tone I was hearing and feeling was making me smile as much as the event itself. 


    We had a great crowd in front of us dancing and singing the night away. It was a very pleasant end to a weekend (although i'm paying for it this morning zzzzzzzzzz)


    I even had a fellow bassmonger come up after the gig to ask what the cabs were as he couldn't see any badges on the front. I was more than happy to educate him. 


    Another big thmbs up for the basschat designs. They really did a fine job. 


    As usual, thanks to all who were involved in their development. 


    Just wish i'd taken some photos!






    • Like 9
  9. I wiped mine completely and use the unit in "stomp" mode. 


    I have a compressor and an HPF which are always on and then have a drive, chorus and reverb to play with as and when appropriate


    Agreed it take s a little while to master, but for the money it's ace


    Editing via PC is fun too. 



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  10. Looks like you're sorted now thanks to the kindness of others. Good stuff...


    For future reference, THE RANGE is my "go to" for wadding and covering. They usually have a half decent black and brown in stock sold by the metre.


    I bought a load of purple and green covering from an online source a couple of years back and it was stretchy beyond belief. Actually made it harder to cover cabs than a more "stiff" material. It now resides in my shed and will continue to do so :)


    Dunelm also sell decent covering. I bought some really good oxblood red from them a while ago. I used it to cover my basschat 110T project cab. 


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