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Everything posted by FirstBass

  1. the latest incarnation has the handle on the top face, is wide and shallow and the middle of the three "ports" is blocked
  2. My age! 😉 Excellent!
  3. Boom. Mesh stapled onto frame. One thing I have noticed.... A really nasty resonance from the plastic horn when I'm giving it some Welly. 14th fret on G string. If I put fingers on the horn (oo er) then it stops. I'll try some more sealing tape behind it. Piping to go and a retaining method for the grille and I'm done! Music through these cabs sounds LUSH. Wish I hadn't chopped up the other pre cut panels I had in the garage to make a couple of 1 x 10's ☚ī¸ I'm thinking a pole mount could be a good move! I'll shut up now 😂
  4. I've used some scrap ply to make a grille frame. I'll stretch some fly screen mesh over it. More pics soon
  5. I won't name names, but I bought it second hand from a chap who ordered two and only needed one. It made my eyes water at a secondhand price, let alone the list price! Yep it's light and yep is loud, but the bass chat design is far more pleasing.
  6. So am I! All thanks to Luke! It's an impressive piece of kit. First fire up, I was all ready to say "yeah not bad, not bad", but I could feel my ears smiling as I played a few favourite songs through it. The long suffering missus really liked it too and she's been subjected to many an A/B test. Already considering selling my very recently purchased, expensive, highly regarded cabinet 😁 Next up is a gig. I need to make a grille first though as that speaker needs protecting! Roll on the next project! 😁
  7. Me again. I just played my "girlfriend test track" through the cab (street spirit fade out - Radiohead). I used a little shuttle 3.0 and an I pod. Once through the BC cab and once through a very new, expensive and very well regarded cab. Yep.... Bass chat cab won. More "even and full range" were her words. I must say -it does sound great. If you're sat on the fence about building one TRY IT. I'm very impressed so far. I'll update once the grille is completed and I've played a couple of gigs with it.
  8. Oooo an update! Thanks to the amazing generosity of LukeFRC, I've managed to progress with the bass chat cab. It's all together and ready for a test! Next stop is a grille and fit the badges and stickers that Luke also kindly sent me. What is the next free serial number? 😁 I'll report my findings soon.
  9. I trawled around for suitable alternatives, but none had the rising response in the mid range that the plans called for.
  10. 😁😁😁
  11. @Phil Starr - Phil, can I ask how you determined the port length? Did you use something other than WINISD? My last two shelf port attempts have been "interesting" with regards to port length Cheers
  12. @nekomatic yep I can solder. I love the woodwork, but crossovers hurt my brain 😁 This is the current state of my project
  13. Hi Bluemoon Well.... err......umm......errr... Let's just say it's a work in progress I have finished all the woodwork, painted the cab and I have all the components... I just haven't attempted the crossover yet They're definitely my weak point. I really must pull my finger out and crack on with it as i'm sure it'll be a great cab!
  14. Having used SM212's for gigging for a few years now (50L / 50hz) I opted to try the SM212 in a 70L nett enclosure tuned to 47hz I'd originally planned to use it as a compact sub for a band PA system, but playing bass through it really impressed me! (i like to feel my bass 😁) I will do a bit of a write up once I get it finished off
  15. Hello As per title really.... Just wondering if there was anyone local to me (Wymondham, Norfolk) who owns a BB2 and is willing to let me have a quick twang through it / chat about it. Thanks Jon
  16. I'll see if I can return it 😉
  17. I paid the princely sum of ÂŖ5 for this Selmer treble n bass 50 from a chap who was moving house and didn't want to take it with him. When I turned up, I was sure he was going to say that he had missed a zero off the price, but nope..... ÂŖ5! What really narked me was that he told me he left the selmer speaker cab that he used with the amp in the loft of the house he lived in previously!
  18. 😁
  19. Interested and just down the rud.... (hethersett)
  20. thanks - i'll have a hunt on facebook
  21. As per title really Just mailed trickyaudio and the mail bounced back Are there any UK based Fearless builders? Just testing the water.... Thank you Jon
  22. @Pentode @gilmour What happened? I've read the thread and need to know Did the omni make it back home? 😁 I want to build one. I have the plans and the wood....
  23. defeat admitted ☚ī¸ Almost threw it out, but have decided to send to my local company who do that sort of thang I was out of my depth knowledge wise and realised that i'd probably end up spending hours throwing components at it before throwing it in the bin anyway I will update when it returns as to exactly what was wrong with it. If the estimate to repair is too high, then I will fit a speakon socket to the cab and use another amp with it instead. Watch this space
  24. be still my beating heart...... 😍 sensible head says no....
  25. Well..... Transistor fitted and well pasted Fired up and test driver shoots forward and hums. Tested the voltage at the speaker terminals and its DC (17v from memory) Hmmm..... this isn't going to be straightforward Where might I begin looking if i'm seeing DC at that point? Jon
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