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  1. Absolutely right Cato and I think my reference to 'made in Mexico' was probably misleading. I think what I meant to say (badly) was even for a MIM guitar it seemed cheap. I've got a 50s player strat, and a 60s player strat and they are both as good (IMHO) as any MIA Custom Shop. I've also got a MIJ tele and my go-too bass which I will go to my grave with is a 1995 '62 reissue MIJ Jazz bass. For my money Japanese Fenders are the best bang for buck you can buy, closely followed by Mexican. I think I currently have something like 25 guitars and basses and out of all the Fenders none are American. I always laugh quietly to myself when our 'murican cousins claim the only real Fenders are made in California (usually by Mexicans).
  2. horrible. simply horrible.
  3. https://shop.fender.com/en-GB/electric-basses/precision-bass/deluxe-active-precision-bass-special/0143412300.html?rl=en_US Are these any good. I know they are made in Mexico but it still seems like a lot of bass for the money, particularly as the street price is quite a bit less than the one quoted by Fender
  4. Blimey, Korg buying Spector and Yamaha buying Ampeg - when will it end?
  5. no definitely Ampeg. That's what caught my attention, because I use ampeg myself. I think it was someone on the No Treble forum
  6. but yes of course there is always the third option you suggest 😃
  7. Didn't say the post was on here but I definitely read it and not for the first time
  8. I have about a garage worth of pedals bought over the years for guitar. Am consciously not buying pedals at all for the bass - can't see the need. Just concentrating on developing a good natural clean tone
  9. Cheers buddy. Yep, really happy with my gear and not feeling any inclination to change at all. Just curious to know why people seem to either like or dislike ampeg
  10. Two part question. First part: I'm fairly new to bass having played guitar most of my life. I reckon I could recognise the tone of most guitar amps blindfold - they either fall into the Marshall, Fender or Vox tone camp. Those are the three seminal tones (IMHO). I have very little experience with bass amps. I am playing through an Ampeg PF500 and find it more than capable and pleasing for the low bedroom levels I play at. But here's the question - yesterday I read a post about someone who had switched from Ampeg to an Orange Terror Bass and was loving the amp giving him everything he wanted 'without the Ampeg tone' and its not the first time I've read things like this. So it seems there is something about the 'Ampeg tone' that people either love or hate and I'm at a loss to detect that myself. I know its not the easiest thing to describe tone in words but give it your best shot - what is it about the 'Ampeg tone' that divides people. Second part to my question: If, as I think guitar amps can be roughly divided into the Fender, Marshall or Vox camp in terms of tone, is there a similar distinct group of tones that bass amps fall into?
  11. yep, I reckon it would 😁
  12. Solid advice, and that is exactly what I've done for the last twelve months - however I'm not asking what I should do personally. I am interested in these sort of hypothetical quandaries and wondering how people would approach them. Their reasonings behind choices will also help me understand the function of basses better
  13. …….two basses, but you need to have maximum flexibility. As someone fairly new to bass I'm thinking you'd want a four string, a five string, a fretted bass and a fretless so I'd maybe go fretted four string and fretless five string. I haven't a clue whether they'd be active or passive - I've only ever played passive basses so I have no idea what active basses bring to the table. Which way would you go, and I'm particularly interested to hear your reasoning. Hopefully goes without saying I'm not asking what make or model you'd go for.
  14. What's the difference? Asking for a friend 😁
  15. XoSo

    Vox Tonelab LE

    Hi, apologies if this question has been asked many times before - I have tried a search and not really found anything. I have an old Vox Tonelab LE from my guitar playing days up in the attic somewhere. I'm wondering whether this could be used for bass or whether there are any specific reasons why a guitar effects unit might not work with bass? Just wanted to ask the question before I risk life and limb looking for it in the attic. I'm, interested in the things like chorus, reverb and delay on it more than the amp modelling and overdrives
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