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Everything posted by ProjeKtWEREWOLF

  1. I've just received one, and I love it. It's my first J bass, and it does everything I need it to do. It's really well made, sounds great and was well priced.
  2. I edited my original comment to better reflect my thoughts. I thought that the style of playing /quick riffs and noodling didn't sell me on the pedal. I thought it was beautiful on guitar. It would make some filthy black metal, I'm just not convinced it is for me. That said, I haven't made any videos so I should keep my trap shut.
  3. The Holy Island one. Sorry. Did t listen to yours. Didn't actually realise that you did a demo. Oops. Sorry.
  4. I've had mine for about a week. Used through an amp input and DI into my Mac (via audio interface). I'm happy with my decision to go cheap. 😂. The dirt is really quite nice.
  5. I really loved this on guitar. It sounded like some Polish black metal. The Holy Island bass demo didn't impress me though. I think it was his riff choice? and it generally sounded fluffy on the open E string. I'll need more demos tbh.
  6. Only played it for 10 minutes. I got the Minty green and copper one. It's a very nice bass for the money. I wanted a passive J bass, and that's what I got! 😁
  7. I feel a little bad that I went for a Sire V5 instead of one of these.
  8. I still have my first bass. It's a Charvette by Charvel from 88/89 ish maybe?). I bought it used in 1993. It's currently in pieces, waiting for a respray and some custom wound pickups.
  9. This is crazy wizardry to me. I've only just got midi in/out sorted with a keyboard and drums on my Mac! I can't see myself needing more than a few presets live. Will look into it in that case.
  10. I haven't bought the C4 yet sorry. I am just curious about how to get the best out of it without spending a load extra. I don't have any other midi/expression capable pedals.
  11. It might be in the thread, but it's a long one.... Would I have to use the Source Audio expression pedal with the C4, or are there cheaper alternatives? Thanks.
  12. Westone Thunder 1A for free on Facebook. It came with a little practice amp too. Absolutely amazing. The preamp was dodgy (and eventually burned out), which did cost me eventually though.
  13. Cioks DC7 for £120. Unused in box, with all box 'candy'. Superb deal in my opinion.
  14. What's the Korg tuner? That's purrrrrty. Lol
  15. Tech 21 VTBass 500 is my current Class D of choice. I'm absolutely loving the array of tones I get from it (paired with a TC Electronic K 212 cab....I need a matching one!). The tube 'emulation' is really good.
  16. I played bass exclusively age 23-21. I then took up the drums (out of necessity) and stopped playing bass at all, essentially. I had to concentrate on being a metal drummer. After 6 or 7 years of drums, my musical life fell apart for a multitude of reasons, including work. I didn't play *anything* for over a decade until the past few years where I would be casually noodling on bass. I even bought an electronic drum kit (I hate it so much!). It's in the past few months that I have played bass daily that I have been enjoying it again. The problem is that is I'm almost a beginner again. I find this hard to deal with because I was good! I was a sight reader, had a great ear and wide repertoire. I also became quite a good drummer but I also suck now...no more 240bpm blasts lol. Life changes, and sometimes we change too. Trying to be kind to myself. I'm joining a new covers band, doing 90s and early 2000s alt rock songs. Out of my comfort zone, but I think most things will be for now. I've rambled and I don't know what point I was making.
  17. That's a cool looking little amp.
  18. I paid £120 for my 'as new' Cioks DC7 😂 absolute steal! I'd still pay twice that, knowing what I know now.
  19. I had one of these. They're noisy and not truly isolated. I now have a Cioks DC7 (hey big spender!) which is dead silent.
  20. I've just bought a new bass and a DOD Carcosa....I'm broke or I'd have your arm off for it. ☹️
  21. Someone was selling one really cheap here.
  22. Wow. I had to Google this one lol. Sounds too good to be true? Do you have one? Are they actually any good?
  23. Cheap as hell but not garbage with a DI? Laney Digbeth DB-PRE is pretty awesome.
  24. Is this some sort of meta commentary?
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