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Everything posted by Phil_T

  1. This issue is really bugging me at the moment. I've got two basses that both have this issue to some extent., my yamaha BB414 is not too bad but on my MIM precision it's very noticeable - the open E rings out nicely but anywhere above the 3rd fret up to the 7th sounds quite hollow with a nastly metallic overtone. I've just been to try another precision and that had the same problem, are they all like that? I think I may hear it more than some people because I play with a bright tone through fairly bright amp so it tends to be accentuated, particularly with fresh strings.
  2. lovely bass, whereabouts are you?
  3. just about got this down now and it's a great tune to play. Ready for another one if anyone has any suggestions
  4. Phil_T


    I sent my spectra comp back because it was very hissy. I tried tweaking various gain settings and suchlike in the editor but the hiss remained at an unacceptable level no matter what I did so I returned it for a refund within the two week cooling off period. Shame really because it was a very intersting pedal with lots of potential and it may have been user error but I didn't have time to play about with it enough before the return period ran out. I've now bought a mark bass compressore which does the job well and is very quiet (at twice the price mind!)
  5. ooh yeah, that sounds quite tasty. Might be a bit beyond me just yet but I'll give it a go. Thanks
  6. I started playing around August last year so I'm still fairly rubbish but I've really enjoyed learning Mike Dirnt's stuff over the last couple of months but I'm left wondering what to move onto next. I've found that a lot of the Greenday songs were pitched just about right for my ability in that they were challenging but not completely out of reach, so far I've done the most of the usual suspect - Basket Case, Longview, When I come around, Sassafrass Roots, Welcome to Paradise and Jesus of Suburbia. I'm looking for suggestions of other bands I could look at that have interesting bass lines in a pop/punk/rock style that have good tabs on the net and, if possible, have guitar hero type master tracks available so I can listen to the isolated bass and do a proper bassless playalong. I like using a pick but don't mind finger style. I've also done some REM stuff that was nice and I'm thinking I'll maybe have a look Radiohead.
  7. OK, one last time, these are small but the ones out there are far away.....
  8. neck looks a bit wonky though
  9. it's a tied note - it means you only play the first note but hold it for the combined length of both
  10. thanks, I might be interested but need to get the neck off my p bass to check the pocket width
  11. I'd say it's a great buy at £150 but it won't go for that and if it's anywhere close I'll be bidding myself
  12. if it's overkill for you playing sold-out arenas then what excuse have I got when I'm seriously considering getting one just for home practice?!
  13. The images seem to be of a Sweetwater store in Indiana.
  14. Looking for somoene in West or South Yorkshire who can re-bias the power section of an SVT-3 pro - any ideas?
  15. Same here, Dave Green at Ashdown was really helpful when I bought a second-hand CTM-30 and even gave it free check-over just to resassure me that it was all working 100%.
  16. Looks to me like the paper backing left behind from a sticker that's been removed (somewhat half-arsedly)
  17. well, I'm only a few miles over the 'border' but I'm not sure I really qualify as a bass player
  18. as above and let's be honest, putting 'London' or 'South Yorkshire' etc hardly gives the game away to whomever you think might be hunting you down
  19. hah yes, probably a good decision. I wouldn't have minded having a listen to it but that's obviously not an option. Thanks anyway
  20. where abouts are you?
  21. Most of the profiles I've had look at (admittedly not many) did not appear to have the location set
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