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Everything posted by TeresaFR

  1. I prefer more modern basses, but if I had to choose something from my mid-70s year of birth, it'd probably have to be a Wal (bit of a Mick Karn thing, I suppose). I'm too old to be able to nab a Steinberger L2 or a Kubicki Factor, sadly. Speaking of Steinberger, I just discovered Ned's half sister, Julia, is a renowned ecological scientist and that's really cool to me.
  2. That as a neck-thru lefty could get me looking away from my Schechter basses.
  3. Ooh, I do like that. Not typically a fan of traditional looks but it's different enough to look sophisticated and cool in my eyes.
  4. I used to use an EHX Bass Clone (which did produce noise though not a terrible amount) but just recently jumped into Line6 land and got myself an HX Effects and use the Ampeg Liquifier on there and it sounds really nice. So, if you're asking me for a recommendation, then if you like individual pedals and want to stick with that then the Bass Clone, but if you fancy a go at multieffects, then any of of the HX/ Helix family are worth a try.
  5. Gun Boy Three. (Probably big in the US). Sappy Mondays. Mig Country. (Probably hated in the US). Sly and the Family Scone.
  6. Fisters of Mercy. Hold up, a lesbian SoM tribute band, I would see that. Sisters of Percy, I would not. Ragazine. Roy Division. Ultrasox. Depeche Mope.
  7. Oh, probably nothing particularly complex. I like a simple setup, having been using just a compressor, chorus, flanger and delay along with the preamp with some drive dialed in. I might add a reverse delay and a synth for some extra flavour. I doubt the HXFX is going to even remotely be pushed to it's limits.
  8. I'm selling almost all of my pedalboard and exchanging for an HX Effects tomorrow, but keeping my VTBass DI. I used to hate the idea of multi-effects units but here we are, and I'm really excited. Probably won't be very excited once I start to try and use the thing. I've been advised to get HX Edit, as much as I'd like to just do it all on the unit.
  9. I'm not a fan of high-rises. Yeah, that was bad, I'll grab my clothes and be on my way.
  10. The way I did it also only used each note once and without using double of anything. Never mind, let's have double sharps and triple flats. "This next song is in F###, now that's jaaazz - oww!"
  11. I would translate that to F# and pick the one that worked best for the passage. I just have to commit to sharps or flats for general usage and not both at the same time, I can translate but it takes processing I'm using up just being in a screwed up world.
  12. I'm rather glad I neither try to play jazz nor sight read, I'm fine doing my own thing and better off not getting involved in whatever's going on above.
  13. Agreed, and what the hell is it with "double flat"? Really?! Really?!! That's surely just pretentious bull crap! Maybe it means something on an instrument built to take into account micro-tonal variations, but that doesn't seem to be a large pool at all.
  14. So, if I'm playing in that theoretical key, I'm playing what? E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, and D#? I don't think in flats when I already have other terminology that works just fine for the instrument I have - though I understand how to apply flats to bass*, it just complicates things and my autistic brain can't be doing with undue complexity. *Do correct me if I'm wrong, that would genuinely be appreciated.
  15. I love the way you've stacked the Cuteness Fuzz, I bet it really makes everything just purr really nicely.
  16. The only Warwick shape I like, beyond a moment of thinking the Vampyre was cool a dozen years back.
  17. I'm going to have see what I can find in the vintage shops.
  18. I want to know that I can use my pedalboard to smite down my enemy should someone try mugging me on my way home from a gig, rather than give them a muffled slap from a sofa cushion - but hey, maybe you're more into suffocating your assailants; you do you.
  19. I've only ever heard good things about the Tech21 Bass Boost Chorus.
  20. Ah, Comrade you are really rocking out with that Cold War themed board, yes?
  21. Westinghouse M-25 40 watt phase plasma rifle, if we're talking firearms.
  22. When it comes to famous fretless bassists, I prefer Mick Kahn of Japan, personally - now there was someone to make me lust after a fretless and possibly a Wal mk1 while I'm at it. Alas neither my bn balance now my talent permit me that option.
  23. Honestly, Jaco "only ever needing a 4" is to me, a good enough reason to play anything but a four out of spite. And yes, that's as someone who just plays fours - I just find there's something quite arrogant about comparing everyone to Jaco. Not everyone has reverence for his music, and that's not saying we're better, we're just not him and I don't care to try. That being said, most of bass influences are or were 4 string players, they also almost always played some form of Fender and with a pick but why be limited to what players were doing 40-45 years ago if we don't want to be? Sorry, tangent.
  24. Daaamn! Bart plays a right-handed 6 string Warwick Thumb and he's a lefty! Wait, why's there a photo of Homer in a spacesuit on the classroom wall?
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