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Everything posted by TeresaFR

  1. The intent isn't to trash, but in one of the most recent podcasts he mentioned something about announcing the future of the podcast and I thought it'd be fun to riff on the idea and had some fun with it. My dislike of his over fondness for jazz and for citing the same handful of bassists like no one else ever mattered, is entirely a different subject. Evidently, SBL is very popular, and presumably plenty of bassists get a lot out of it. Heck, I watch some of the podcasts, I just don't subscribe to SBL because it's never really been sold to me in a way that appeals - but not everything has to.
  2. I used to have one, but I eventually got rid of it as I'd quickly learned acoustics weren't for me - just took me too long to offload it.
  3. Scott's Bromance Lessons - First episode featuring Mark King and entitled "Lessons in Love", there's lots of slapping but it's not bass lessons, if you know what I mean. First 12 hours, they've gone viral and made millions, but spent thousands on salve and lube.
  4. Promptly buys 100 new and rare basses, all costing at least £7000 each.
  5. Nobody's Diary - Yazoo
  6. That would certainly be a surprise re-direction.
  7. I've not even joined, only thought about it briefly but decided against it, so I'm gonna be a civilian hiding from being forced to own a P bass.
  8. Spurred on by an e-mail from Scott's Bass Lessons announcing "The Future of SBL" and that left me thinking how strange or funny that could be made. So here we are. I hope this thread is in the right place though. Anyway, here goes: "The future of SBL will be to forge the SBL membership into an armed militia ready to bring down any government we want! One's rank within said militia will be based entirely on how much you can slap and how groove you have. So say we all - Field Marshall Scott Devine and General Ian M. Allison."
  9. This paragraph from their Wikipedia page covers the origin of the band name: "Devoto and Shelley chose the name "Buzzcocks" after reading the headline, "It's the Buzz, pink torpedo!", in a review of the TV series Rock Follies in Time Out magazine. The "buzz" is the excitement of playing on stage; "pink torpedo" is northern English slang meaning "friend". They thought it captured the excitement of the nascent punk scene, as well as having humorous sexual connotations following Pete Shelley's time working in a Bolton adult shop.[15]"
  10. Yes, the Buzzcocks name was written as a single word.
  11. I know if I had a 5, I'd very definitely use the extra string - I do tend to write songs that use every string at my disposal. What I'm not good at is going above the 12th fret, and even going that far is me being adventurous. I'm not sure I'd find more strings comfortable though. As for 6, that's not for me - though my previous distaste for their use has softened since I found out about Peter Hook's use of one.
  12. 5ers are tempting but I don't think I'd get along with having an extra string and the extra muting that would require - I'm sloppy enough as it is; I also don't think I'd enjoy the additional weight. But I would really like to get below low E, so I'm (down the line) probably going to tune down to D standard and use a capo for the songs I have in E standard. Sure, it's not going to give me that low B thump but it's still a nice bit of extra low end and could be - for me at least, a decent compromise.
  13. Pedaltrain bag for the pedalboard. Reunion Blues RBX Oxford for my bass.
  14. Ah, fair enough. I recently had to be reminded that the button the VT was a defeat and to stop deactivating the cab sim.
  15. Unless I'm missing something, the 2112 doesn't have an inbuilt cab sim (or it does but it's not defeatable like on the VT).
  16. I'm not sure Genesis would have gone on to such mainstream pop success, or that Phil Collins and Mike Rutherford would have had solo/ side project success.
  17. Vince Clarke leaving Depeche Mode, which gradually led to DM becoming increasingly dark and against all likelihood transforming into a stadium band. Vince managed to carve out brief but very respectable chart success with Yazoo and another hit with the Associates (with Feargal Sharkey) before forming the duo that would be where he'd spend the majority of his musical career - Erasure. How long would DM have gotten and how long could they have lasted with Vince? I feel probably not as huge as they got and to actually still be a going concern (even if rather diminished from their peak) is highly unlikely.
  18. How good is the drive, tuner and comp on the Microbass 3?
  19. Korg Pitchblack Advance tuner - Wampler Mini Ego compressor - EHX Bass Clone chorus - Fender Hammertone Flanger - MXR Carbon Copy Mini delay - Tech 21 VTBass DI. The delay only gets used on a couple of tracks, as does the flanger. I love a good chorus but sometimes just want some whoosh in my sound. One day I might go in for an HX Stomp or something, but would need to know I could get a really good 80s chorus sound out of it without sacrificing bass content.
  20. The after looks like it *flows* so much better. Perhaps the joke's on Gibson for pushing Dingwall to improve the shape.
  21. Honestly, though they surely have some excellent basses, none of the lefty stock on their website really hits all the points I'd want for an upgrade on my Schecters; though I'd love fanned-frets.
  22. I don't really drink - by which I mean, I might have a shot of something sweet at Yule but that's it - and I never touch what might be called "substances" in certain circles. I don't even need caffeine, in fact, caffeine's a bad call for me, not least because my adrenaline's likely to be through the roof before going on stage.
  23. TeresaFR


    I always wanted to love Warwick's because of their lefty options, but never really liked the shapes or the chunky necks. Not that I've ever actually held one, I just know I prefer slimmer and thinner necks.
  24. I live in a city, there's literally a live music venue that semi-regularly puts on the sort of gigs I play at, just ten minutes walk away.
  25. Must have been a real goddamn annoyance to the shop workers to have a chunk of their stock just cease to exist. I need to know though, what amps should I avoid playing through with a Schecter? Because I don't want to accidentally Thanos bass others out of existence.
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