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Everything posted by TeresaFR

  1. Probably not a good thing to do for any relationship would be to drive to your rehearsals then. Go out, get in the car, drive around the block, park up right in the living room then go through to the garage for rehearsal. Afterwards, sleep on the couch and in the morning agree to a divorce and to pay for house repairs.
  2. Flats have a warmer tone, hi there tension and feel smoother to the touch. Generally considered easier on the fretboard and likely to last quite a lot longer than rounds. Now, to be clear, there's more than one type of round (steels and nickels being the most common two varieties) and there are hybrid types like ground wounds, but we're getting a little more complex than perhaps you need at this stage of your journey. Just know, the options are myriad and varied.
  3. With just me, a pedalboard and one or two basses it's public transport or walk. Far less likely to walk with two basses though, but using two is a recent development as I'm branching out into different tunings.
  4. I'm struggling to see how one would change effect chains on the fly though, on most multi-effects to be honest. Feels like I must be missing something, so at the risk of looking like an idiot, outside of an HX Effects, is there an easy way to switch from say a, let's say a comp-drive-flanger-delay effects chain to a comp-synth-fuzz-chorus chain? Particularly on the Ampero Mini or otherwise on any multi-effect cheaper than a Quad Cortex (way outside my budget, so don't need to know)? Ta.
  5. At a Megadeth concert. Dave Mustaine: I'd like to thank Lucifer Morningstar, Beezelbub and Satan himself for helping me overcome my former hatred towards my beloved friends in Metallica, love you guys!
  6. Please give it up for Guns N' Roses, onstage 25 minutes early!
  7. "I wanna take a moment right now to address the widely reported acrimony between all of us onstage and several notable members of the press. Okay, okay, calm down for ma moment, please. We had a meeting, well, more of a 7-way orgy last night back at our hotel and took our turns at being everyone elses's thirsty little beach whore - which, incidentally is why I'm not running around tonight in my usual tight lycra leggings. Anyway, after four hours of that, we've reached a really great understand of each other and the band is healed, unlike our asses, which are bruised and oozing a little more blood than any of us are entirely comfortable with. Anyway, take it a way, drums!"
  8. I can't find another thread on this and I just discovered the Hotone Ampero Mini and wonder what others on here think about it. Products - Hotone Audio https://www.hotoneaudio/products/multi-effects/Ampero Mini
  9. *From within a cloud of dry ice* "I'm Andrew Eldritch, we're the Sisters of Mercy and we want to thank all the Goths who have stuck with us through all the f***ing years! Much love to each and everyone one of you. And don't forget to pick up signed copies of the new album from our merch stall on your way out!"
  10. My 2019 Schecter Riot (aurora burst finish) is called Valkyrie, my Schecter SLS Evil Twin is named Phantasm.
  11. I've not come across the MOD Dwarf until now. What's it like for bass?
  12. How is the Ampero Stomp for bass? Both to operate and in regard to quality of effects (especially modulation and drive).
  13. Pedalboards are *tight!* Oh, I appear to be channelling Ryan George. Never mind, it's barely an inconvenience.
  14. Okay, I was wrong, *this* is a whole lot! Do you prefer a tap dance or river dance technique to switch between effects?
  15. That's a board's worth of effects and then you have the HX Stomp on there too! That's a whole lot, right there.
  16. Hi, I'm trying to work out exactly which of these to get. The Oxford is 1.2 lbs/ 1kg heavier but I can't see where all the extra weight is, beyond the pocket for the straps. I like the look of the Oxford slightly more, but as someone who mostly carries my gig bags on my back and will walk longer distances with them, the lighter weight is more important than an extra pocket. Do any of you have experience with either of these, please? For the record, I don't fly ever so flying with my bass is not a consideration. Thanks.
  17. Have you tried depth all the way up and rate down real light? With the x-over in up position?
  18. Look here you blackguard, I have a medical condition that means I'm still waiting for a humourplasty operation. The waiting list is phenomenally long, however. And whilst I am indeed landed gentry, I'm also the most cheap scoundrel you could possibly meet and thus refuse to go private.
  19. My first pedal was NUX flanger but then I migrated to chorus. I just got myself a Fender Hammertone flanger this week as there are some great Siouxsie and the Banshees and Cure songs that use it. Chorus is still my main modulation but sometimes I just want the swirl and feedback only a flanger can get me. It seems like a pretty fine pedal too, plenty of tone sculpting available for my needs at least.
  20. Literally on Wednesday of this week. Not everyone lives inside a forum, not even a bass one.
  21. May I ask why the depth is set so lightly on the Bass Clone, please?
  22. I sold a drum machine and two pedals and picked up one pedal and a pair of flat patch cables as part exchange and came out of it with money in pocket. Am I out?
  23. You want a smaller pedalboard, there's barely any pedals on there. 😆
  24. I'm probably in for the whole year so long as strings don't count. Strings not attached to a bass, that is. No, nor any other type of instrument. I'm left-handed so the temptation is low and my two are both hard to top for what I like so it's extremely unlikely anything new will be entering my bass gear collection this year.
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