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Everything posted by Sandypjb

  1. Great vid - still in awe of his playing on the Dave Lee Roth and Mr. Big albums
  2. Awesome song And album - watched the lead singer James Grant on the Quay Sessions recently and he still can really sing and play.
  3. Yeah I know - the drummer is a total powerhouse and the rhythm guitarist is also tight, all making for a great sound on that gig. Quo was my first live gig back in the early 80s so although I went off them later they’re still of interest. As for the It Bites clip, I’m a fan and that gig (also released on CD as ‘thank you and good night’) is a classic sweaty finale for the original line up. Richard Nolan (bass obv.) is a talent who made the Zon sound superb; lovely sad puns that cut through nicely.
  4. and this for a Zon in action... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiTt_O1zNfqAhVHQxUIHb6VAoAQwqsBMAd6BAgEECA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DvZwzBJ3Lx7Q&usg=AOvVaw2x_NER0lDVhRurmkMt4S9C
  5. Try this....Rhino Edwards in action. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjui_6oy9fqAhWaiVwKHV4JA1gQwqsBMAB6BAgHEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DvUTEibPaYNE&usg=AOvVaw3NM3QSdHNy2kK-3YcbgavN
  6. Cheers Woodinblack - That's cheered me right up after reading the Co**d thread🤐
  7. Plenty of views but no comments - beautiful bass which (if I could afford it) I’d place on a stand and gaze at it! Good luck with the sale - I’m sure someone with an eye for beauty and deep pockets will sidle along soon.
  8. Thanks for the video - interesting bass!
  9. We wish it WAS in the North East. No dodgy geography from Jassbass or myself.
  10. Enjoyed that. More that a little ‘Peter Gabriel’ but that’s no bad thing. Got cross-eye watching three basses at once😄
  11. I’m flippin’ addicted to it. I have to ration myself, it’s that good.
  12. Excellent price for a great bass
  13. ‘What makes this song great’ is the best thing on ‘tinernet. Totally watchable, and whilst he’s no virtuoso he’s a ridiculously talented musician. His enthusiasm is such a pleasure to soak up.
  14. He is and they are unfortunately. Some classy music consigned to the bin by sniffy music journalists and Spotify listers. 😒 Always thought of the Crusaders as 'New-York' sounding.
  15. Like the look of that - and it restored the household harmony 😄
  16. Very impressive!
  17. I used to own a 70s spaced pickup jazz and currently own one with the 60s spaced pickups. Ok definitely prefer 60s spacing. It's less nasal and the string tension is reduced there, making plucking more comfortable (really!)
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