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  1. I'm a big advocate for any good band raising their fee. Unfortunately musicians tend to undervalue themselves for some reason. It's really a cool thing to go from extra fun money in your wallet to making money you can actually do something with. And I completely understand that some folks are not in this for the money. I am. Daryl
  2. Hi Dave, What I don't get is everyone blamed me for that stunt. I was sober and didn't flash anyone. My good friend and great drummer told me that's all anyone's ever going to remember you from. Daryl
  3. Looking great and sounding great. Daryl
  4. Stub, what was interesting, the couple I sat down with knew me, but I had no clue who they were. They had seen me at our New Years Eve 2023 gig at The Precinct. They had met my girlfriend and was asking about her and made comments about how nice she was. This was the night my girlfriend had too much to drink and flashed our bandleaders father. Yes, I'm "internationally renowned." Lol Daryl
  5. Some Fender tube combos are hard to work on too. Daryl
  6. My wireless will fail at times Line 6 G-50. When that happens I ditch the whole board and go bass to amp. Daryl
  7. Thanks for posting the pics Norris. Nice to see that many of us are in the same boat. Meaning , as I look at all the gig pics posted here allot of these bars and pubs look the same to me. Daryl
  8. I was home by 6 00. It was -3°. Sunday afternoon bar gig. Dep drummer, a good amount of dancing and lots of mistakes and sketchy endings. Good pay and good tips. My gear was functioning properly. I sat down at a table and spoke to some nice folks. I pretended I was famous.Sad 😔 Daryl
  9. My Fender hard case for my Precision smells like someone urinated in it. I was told it's the glue that holds in the case lining. Daryl
  10. We laugh when we have a good crowd we're engaged with and we're sounding good. It's hard to laugh when it's one of those gigs that's going downhill by the minute. Lol Daryl
  11. Dave, No stage is a sore point for me too.If a pub has live bands on a weekly basis is it that much of an investment for an owner to have a small no frills stage built? Not many bars/pubs have proper stages in my neck of the woods. I know I boast and brag with my " we don't play bar/pub gigs" Well we're playing one tomorrow. However it is a 2:00-5:00 home by 6:30. So, at least it's not a late night gig. Daryl
  12. 28 weekends, Nice! Daryl
  13. I agree. My issue with vintage is vintage problems. I would put my 2000 MIJ Fender P up against any early pre CBS P. Daryl
  14. We're back out this weekend at The Twisted Pair. 2:00-5:00. Usually I like Sunday afternoon gigs but more in the Summer time and playing outside. Daryl
  15. I think allot of guys in trios are faced with this issue. When trios work it's fantastic when it doesn't it's a train wreck. We have two guitarists so it's not an issue for me. However, for certain songs I will engage my MXR Bass Octave pedal to fill out the sound. Daryl
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