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Everything posted by Bluewine

  1. Again, that's a different topic. "Big time" was only pertaining to my passion. This is about those that have a great passion to make a lfull time living from music and finds when given the opportunity they don't have the ability, they don't have what it takes. It could even be the person that's passionate and fancies himself a music teacher and when given the opportunity finds out he's in reality an awful teacher not suited for that kind of work. If you achieve your passion from being in the right place at the right time and knowing the right people means you have the ability, you have what it takes. IMO Blue
  2. A lot of Gary Lewis & The Playboys and Paul Revere & The Raiders. Blue
  3. I'm no huge Jaco fan but only because I really can't comprehend how someone can play at that level. For example, right now I'm listening to a lot of Gary Lewis & The Playboys and Paul Revere & The Raiders. That stuff I can comprehend. For the haters, imagine what it was like for us old guys. We started out listening to Paul McCartney and within a short period of time the instrument had evolved into what Jaco showed us. We didn't see 40 years of other virtuosos. In other words, you had to be there. Blue
  4. Me too. A couple of guys I stated out with back in the 60s made it to the "big time" and I always judged myself against them. Until recently I realized I'm lucky to be where I am. I'm a happy and content B list local bar band guy. Blue
  5. Humor doesn't always transend in text. My point, every 16 year old guitarist worth their salt in my neck of the woods at the time could nail Stairway To Heaven. At the time you couldn't walk into a music store where some kid wasn't playing it on a guitar he couldn't afford. I think we're on the same page. Blue
  6. I know, I just hope the gigs keep rolling in. Blue
  7. Along with a million other 16 year olds around the world. Blue
  8. Thanks guys, great comments and opinions. Blue
  9. Depends, in my area places for rock bands to play are rapidly becoming far and few in between. You've never heard this; 'Oh, that place, they don't book bands anymore" Blue
  10. My sympathies, I complain a lot and after hearing your story I have nothing to complain about. I've been in a very popular working blues /rock bar band for the past 6 years with not only good Musicians more importantly good people. Living in an area where there are no decent musicians to play with must be frustrating. I hope things change for you in the near future. Blue
  11. Well, you never know. There might be new BC members that don't know my position. Plus the whole "Proud B List Bar Band Player" is sort of a new tag phrase for me. (: Blue
  12. Good point, And now that I think about our gig count is down. But as I look at it closer, we dropped a few clubs and bars that were not a good for us or any rock band for that matter. Blue
  13. I would never call any thread stupid. However, you make a good point. The rock world is shrinking fast. I can't speak for jazz. Blue
  14. I am not sure everyone understands how important the "fun" element of gigging actually is. I make it my business to have fun at every gig. However I don't play for fun, I play for money. Since I'm being paid, what I like or don't like doesn't come into the picture. I'm paid to play the songs our band leader calls, not what I like. "Fun" is a requirement for my band the minute we arrive at a gig. I'm a proud B list bar band player. Blue
  15. I'm not inspired by Jaco either It's hard for me to be inspired by someone where there's no way on earth I could replicate or draw from such a high level of skill, talent and ability. Blue
  16. It happened to me this past Saturday night. My Line 6 wireless failed, fortunately it was during the sound check. I'm still not sure what the problem was because the receiver was getting the signal but it wasn't making it's way through my pedal train to my amp. Blue
  17. Interesting, a very good friend of mine toured Britain this past summer. He's now on his way to New Zealand and Australia. Blue
  18. If I had what it takes to tour as a professional bass player I would evaluate tour opportities on a case by case basis. Blue
  19. What I described was meant as example of why I personally don't have what it takes. Not the level of a tour. That's another topic. Blue
  20. Col2, Agreed and great point for a different thread about and focused the value of passion Blue
  21. I really don't have what it takes Cheddatom. 1.Being in a foreign country not knowing where I'm going to sleep or eat. 2. Being dead tired at midnight and I have to get in a van with 4 smelly dudes to drive 8 hours to get to the next gig in Manchester. 3.Being able to adapt to foreign culture. 4.Unable to understand foreign transit systems or currency 5.Being stranded when the tour fails 6. Someone might kick my arse for being a Yankee The list goes on and on for me and none have nothing to do with musicianship. However, I have what it takes to do what I do. I'm a very successful Midwest bar band guy. I love it. Blue
  22. Looks like a nice Pub. Great hearing a band playing what sounds like The Vanilla Fudge version of 'You Keep Me Hanging On" Blue
  23. I am sure there are too. But that's really a different discussion. Blue
  24. Good question. I don't know, I guess ability could come from passion. I can only speak for myself. No one could have been more passionate than me about being a pro bass player touring the world and making a living. Reality, I never had the ability, bever had what it takes. It's different for each of us. I probably wouldn't have what it takes to get it together to get a passport and a visa to work in other countries. I don't have the organization or focus Blue
  25. Yeah, I guess it can be a little depressing. Looking at reality can be that way Cheddatom I am quite sure you have the ability to get better and always improve. Remember my premise is a little different. I knew whatever I did or how much I practiced I would never have what it takes to be a pro bass player touring the world and making a living from it. I practice a lot and get better everyday and I'm sucessful at the bar band level. Blue
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