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Jo Bass

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  1. +1 for tc mojo mojo
  2. Hello everyone, I made a youtube channel with short videos, no talking, just playing, if you like please support me and subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjKfMd6Ckt3UzxSsjtHJPYQ?view_as=subscriber&pbjreload=10 Jo Bass
  3. +1 for American sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4AKnwHus7Y
  4. that little drive sound sick
  5. This is cheap but very good mini pedal
  6. Hi everyone , I'm new here on basschat. Have been playing bass over 20 years . My gear is : Modified Squier VM (Nordstrand big j blades pickups,alpha pots,unnecessary fender sticker...) Markbass cmd 121p+ NY 121p The effects are always changing.. I'm pedal effects freak, and have a small youtube channel where I do some demos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjKfMd6Ckt3UzxSsjtHJPYQ
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