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Everything posted by ebozzz

  1. Lots of amp manufacturers shoot for tones that are similar to other products. Even the Streamliner likely got it's inspiration from someplace else. I guess that I was mainly thinking about the engineering. If we opened up a Veyron T and a Streamliner, would there be a lot of similarities internally? I've never seen the inside of a Streamliner....
  2. Other than the fact that there is a resemblance in the appearance, are you really positive that the Veyrons are absolutely knock offs? I do know that the power section is Bugera's own and not some off the shelf option....
  3. They're both nice amps. It's a shame that so many are overlooking them due to the Behringer relationship. Mine is over three years old and still killing it!
  4. You are correct Sir and I edited that!
  5. My amps, Veyron included, all have more than enough volume for my needs. I stopped worrying about how many watts it had when I saw how it performed.
  6. @Al Krow, The volume knob is notched and each click provides an increase in loudness. In my opinion it's smooth. My Quilter is very similar in that regard and my Ashdown seems to give you more earlier in the stage especially when the compressor is engaged. The Mosfet is definitely the more modern sounding of the two heads. The Tube has more of a low-mid presence with controls set flat on each in my opinion. I don't have much experience with full blown tube amps. The T does offer more warmth than the M but there wasn't a night & day difference to my ears with the gear that I had during the period when both were under my roof. The cabs that I had then all were a little more vintage sounding. They were a pair of old Genz Benz 112s which I still own and two pairs of Ashdown cabs without tweeters (Mi 10 & ABM Mini 408 Neo). The T isn't wild & woolly and the M isn't sterile. They're each just nice clean sounding amps but again, I do feel that T is warmer. My experience with compressors is also not very extensive. I've owned a couple of quality pedals that didn't get used much. I'm sure that there are better compressors but with the limited amount of usage that I have given the unit on the Veyron, I can't say that I've encountered anything that turned me off. Here's a video of the Veyron M being played by the same guy in the previous video that I posted. He's got the Ultra High & Ultra Low engaged which sort of sccops the sound....
  7. For a period of time, I owned both the Mosfet and the Tube versions. My plan was to make a decision on which I liked more and the other would be returned to the vendor. I liked them both and couldn't decide. I kept each of them for more than a year until I sold the Tube to fund another amp purchase. Right now my amps are the Quilter Bass Block 800, Ashdown Rootmaster RM-800 EVO and the Veyron Mosfet. Who knows how they came up with the 2000 watts rating. 500 watts? I feel pretty confident with saying that I think it is more powerful than that. With respect to volume, it compares very favorably to the amps that I named above which are rated at 800 watts RMS.
  8. Here's a review with audio files from a German site (Bonedo) Bugera Veyron BV1001T test
  9. Bugera Veyron BV1001T
  10. I want a Jake Classic and I have never owned or spent much time on a P Bass. I tried a couple that are owned by a few guys who are local to me and I want to have at least one good one in my stable. Which split coil option would get me the closest to classic P Bass tone?
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