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Everything posted by gjamer

  1. where are you based and are you interested in trades for an electric guitar by any chance.
  2. where are you based and are you interested in trades
  3. that would be great, cheers
  4. this is Earth calling Bluepigbass...are you receiving.......over....??
  5. gjamer

    best value DAW

    lol....sounds about right in my experience
  6. gjamer

    best value DAW

    I've used guitar tracks pro in the past, which is Cakewalk based if I'm not mistaken. Thought it was good and quite easy to understand, it was a bit "jittery" but I was using a crap PC at the time. I've since upgraded so it might be worth re-visiting.
  7. gjamer

    best value DAW

    Fruity loops looks brill, is it quite straight forward to record simple guitar, bass, vocal audio tracks with.
  8. gjamer

    best value DAW

    Hmmm, I have tried reaper but only briefly. Just recorded a few bits and then moved on to try something else, I stuck with Cakewalk, guitar tracks pro if I remember correctly, for the longest spell, but that could be quite “jittery” at times. I will definitely give reaper another try, seems very popular.
  9. I'm seriously thinking of getting back into home recording, the thought of arsing around with software updates, re-learning this, re-loading that etc etc scares me off though. I'm a windows user, although I did use Garageband a few back when I had a mac book on loan and loved it, apple do seem to have music production nailed. However, I'm sticking with windows for the time being, I have a copy of cubase Elements which is Ok, but was wondering which DAW is best suited to a guitarist/bassist who wants to quickly knock together working demo's when inspiration strikes. I realise this is entirely subjective, but surely there is a half decent DAW out there for eager but slightly dim-witted guitarists who dont have bucket loads of cash and patience.
  10. How heavy are these and where are you based, Cheers
  11. thats the one I'm chasing mate, the retailer is selling it on commission, so I've put an offer in and waiting for a response
  12. Very interested and based in Flintshire/N Wales so hopefully not a million miles away. Have inboxed you, cash waiting for right bass
  13. Will check the mb4 out, cheers.
  14. Still for sale? If so where are you based
  15. Where are you based mate ?
  16. Kawai looks the business, he's in the North West too, so cant be the far away from sunny North Wales
  17. cheers mate, yeh I've read that the SR range are great value and pretty light weight. I have a couple of great second hand guitar shops relatively close by, I'm in N Wales, close to cheshire border, so Frailers is a fav haunt of mine. Bass guitars, or decent second hand ones are thinner on the ground though, unless of course you cast the net wider online.
  18. worth giving some thought
  19. Cheers folks, some great advice here, I forgot about the Fender lyte, I've actually used one and thought they were great. Good point about the status and combined case weight. Will check out the Nanyo models, and that Kawai looks mint.
  20. Hi fellow bottom enders, new member here. After quite a few years lay off from playing bass, I've decided to re-focus my acoustic endeavours back to the four string. The main reason for the lay off being spinal surgery and a permanently weakened back/left leg....blah blah blah. Anyway, I'm currently considering a few models to buy, but should really be thinking practical and looking for something light weight. Currently chasing an Ibanez SR4000e, but I also spotted a lovely looking status s3000 which I'm thinking should be a bit lighter than the norm and more practical to weild should I ever venture out into pub rock land. I want something that has good tonal variety and lends itself to that "toppy/slappy" sound, is light weight and easy to throw around, good quality build. Budget £800 max. Thought it worth asking for advice here before I empty my wallet. Hopefully someone can recommend a few good online second hand dealers as well. Cheers
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