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Jonathan Bee

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Everything posted by Jonathan Bee

  1. Nice one @Quatschmacher I'll be downloading those, thanks!
  2. I'm loving this! Feel like I'm understanding it's capabilities more now... looking forward to having a good play around with the C4 tomorrow 🙂
  3. Wow, yes... I wonder whether he did it as a tongue in cheek homage?
  4. Rob Wright of 'Nomeansno'.. check the second song
  5. Ok, thanks man 🙂
  6. That is cheap! How does it's upper octave compare to Sub'n' Up and Micropog?
  7. I got a cheap one, about £20 from ebay) when I first started getting into effects that sounds like the one you're describing..I think the fault is on the designers! There is no logic to the feet being on the deeper part abd also the wrong part of the velcro was in the lid! In the end I got a second hand gator one that is a huge sturdy board in a carry case that, although heavy, had served my needs since
  8. Many an hour lost lurched over pedals, tweakin and a freakin (sonically)
  9. Thanks man! 🙂 no, didn't see any deals.. looking forward to havinog it in my mitts tomorrow and having a day of bass business!
  10. I'll give myself a slight Chinese burn if there are black Friday deals on the C4! 🙂
  11. I've just ordered one through Rich Tone music... should be here Saturday! 🙂
  12. @Quatschmacher Thanks for that very thorough response!
  13. Hi guys 🙂 what are the octave down capabilities like compared to solo'ed OC2 etc and the envelope filter capabilities compared to the Manta? I'm very near to getting one from Santa! (as in not quite decided yet) Many thanks, JB
  14. How is the octave down on the C4?
  15. I've settled on the 3 leaf Octavbre... no volume drop, and had added tone control, but tracks no quite so good as OC2/OC10 I think
  16. @GisserD Can the Manta do things that the C4 can't? Or is it just easier to edit on the fly?
  17. Used my Digitech BSW at a gig last night and it's great if you want an octave down with your dry signal (can't do the solo'ed octave down OC2). Tracks great and sounds fat. The envelope filter is alright too as long as you mix enough dry signal in with it, likewise filter + octave. I've almost sold it numerous times but glad I've held on to it. GLWTS
  18. One man's meat. .. etc! Glad you're enjoying it though @HazBeen !
  19. I did have one too for a while.. I loved the look of it (I know some don't!) but I sold it in the end as I didn't think it could do anything my SA Manta couldn't
  20. No, your speakers will handle it! 🙂
  21. Thanks Folks 🙂 Took the shim out earlier and managed to get the action a little lower, feeling nicer to play now. How I get on with it over the next days will determine whether I take it to a Luthier. I'm still getting used to the different sound of a jazz bass compared to my Ibanez EDB600 I've played for years, but that's a whole other thing!!!!!
  22. Thanks @Cuzzie for your helpful advice. Yes, I'm having to have the saddles pretty darn high to not get buzz above the 12th. I like playing some 10th chords up in that area in the 3 piece funk/fusion project I'm in. For me the bandit country is messing around with the bass itself in terms of shims and truss rods!!!! But can't enjoy the bass with it's present 'kung fu work out' high action!
  23. thanks @Cuzzie Rod and saddles yes, but nut grooves no... they look low if anything anyway. At the moment the action is not so low.. say about 4mm, and I do like to venture above the 12th on occasions!
  24. Hi learned brethren 🙂 neck is pretty straight on my bass but having to have saddles really high so doesn't catch frets above 12th. I've noticed there's a shim under the join of the neck (can see from underside). Any danger in removing it? Any experience with such a thing anyone? Thanks, Jonathan
  25. Alex bought my SA OFD from me... friendly guy, good communicator and prompt payer! A pleasure doing business with you Alex! 🙂 Thanks, Jonathan
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