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Jonathan Bee

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Everything posted by Jonathan Bee

  1. Ok thanks man 🙂
  2. Ok, thanks @skidder652003 I almost got one today on ebay but backed out when it went above £50
  3. is the time force any good, tone wise etc @skidder652003?
  4. not mine but Nimbus on ebay for £150 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Iron-Ether-Nimbus-Bass-and-Baritone-Reverb-Effects-Pedal/233113106037?hash=item36469fb675:g:G3oAAOSw-iZcT3jq:rk:13:pf:0
  5. I did get one of these... sounds great on guitar. But on bass, octave up only tracks down to D below lowest E on a guitar. Lower than that, the octave resorts back to original pitch in a boomy sort of way!
  6. No worries @iamtheelvy let me know if you get outbid and want this one!
  7. now £130 including postage... interested @iamtheelvy?
  8. Price now £140 including postage
  9. Selling this very early OC 2. Serial number 181800 dates it from May 82. It was displaced from my board by the Octavbre Mini... I just love the extra volume and tone shaping options. Was going to hold on to this anyway but need a new car! Selling it for just under what I paid for it. See pics for condition, which is pretty darn good. Few scuffs and scratches and some glue on bass from velcro which will most likely come off. Price includes postage within UK.
  10. Good price! I paid £150 for a May 1982 Octaver. Good luck
  11. still available! 🙂
  12. Pm'd you, @Hugo Antunes
  13. looks like you're not a man to be easily persuaded @owen I will be reciting various incantations throughout the evening to try to put you under the Bananana's spell 😉
  14. Go on @owen, show that restraint to the door! 😉
  15. @GisserD @CameronJ Thanks guys 🙂
  16. Bananana matryoshka pedal for sale. Price includes postage. The Source Audio Manta is about as synthy as I want to go at this point and not finding much context to use this in. In perfect conditon, look at it's shiny coat in the picture below the demo. That's it in real life. Here's a demo:
  17. @Quatschmacher Yes, the Valeton is the glitcher
  18. Hi folks 🙂 So recorded some clips of Boss OC2 and Valeton OC10. (The OC2 is the Japanese 'Octaver' model that requires the 12v input or needs to be daisy chained from LS2 or similar). Recording chain: Ibanez EDB600 active bass > TC Spectracomp > VOX Lil Looper > BOSS LS2 > Loop A: OC2 > Behringer UMC404HD > Cubase > Loop B: OC10 I looped a line with the LIL Looper and A/B'ed it with the LS2 Part One : Clean line once, then alternating between OC2 and OC10. Part Two: Shorter line alternating between OC2 and OC10. To my ears the OC10 has a higher low mid quality to it, and has peaks/distortions in that area, in certain parts of the line. This makes the OC2 slightly warmer and rounder sounding. Maybe the OC10 could be EQ'd to make it sound slightly warmer and less gain/passive bass might reduce the peaks, but for my set up the OC2 sounds better. How do these sounds compare to the OCTABVRE, @Quatschmacher? With headphones's I noticed some noise between my notes, and a little quiet glitching at the end of the alternating line in 'Part Two'. Is this usual or due to not enough damping of strings/Active bass? OC2 and OC10 part one.mp3 OC 2 and OC10 part two.mp3
  19. Nice one Jo 🙂 subscribed
  20. Pm'd
  21. Hi @tonyclaret I was came across settings earlier here, post 533. i don't even have a helix but have been looking into them after so much mention on here!!!!! https://www.talkbass.com/threads/line-6-hx-effects.1324948/page-27
  22. Thanks guys 🙂 just ordered OC 10 from donnerdeal.com for £32! They have 10% off at the moment
  23. Thanks @Quatschmacher Still haven't got round to using the hub but it's on my list!
  24. @operative451 I use the Zoom for mainly delay ,reverb and modulation. I prefer the EHX Epitome for an octave up, and OC 2 for octave down. I also prefer filter and synthy sounds from the SA Manta and Sonuus Wahoo. I find these alternatives to sound less 'artificial' than the zoom. I also like having two effects loops via the LS2, and that way always have the option of blending two quite different sounds E.G Octave down (OC2) with Fuzz (Fog) and filter sweeps (Wahoo) with second loop of Octave up with reverb (Epitome), filtered delay (Zoom) and Univibe (V Wah).
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