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Jonathan Bee

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Everything posted by Jonathan Bee

  1. A bit of a messy work in progress! Bass - Spectracomp - LS2 - Loop A: OC2 - Mooer Fog - Columbus Chorus - Sonuus Wahoo - Arion Delay , Loop B: SA Manta - Mooer Pure - EHX Epitome - Zoom B3- Boss V wah. Have yet to hook up SA hub for Manta presets.
  2. Real nice piece @dodge_bass, reminds me a little of Radiohead Kid A era. Digging that bit crusher sound, what type is it again?
  3. Thanks @Quatschmacher ... I'll check those out. I've got a hub now but haven't had chance to give it a try yet.
  4. Thanks for the info, @GisserD I got a 1982 OC2 'Octaver' that I'm a little apprehensive about modding in case I wan't to sell it on eventually but the volume drop is a pain!
  5. Thanks man :-) I have heard some negative reports of this company already actually. When you say it's really synthy, can it do a decent OC 2-esque soled octave? Do you experience a volume drop using it this way? (as with OC2)?
  6. Has anyone tried the Gojira Octave Generator? Comparisons to OC2 in terms of soloed -1 octave? Volume drop? how does the octave up sound?
  7. For Sale Copilot FX Cubic pedal. It can add one or two octaves below original signal and you can add synthy type fuzz/dirt. In excellent condition. More info and manual here: http://www.copilotfx.com/cubic.html Price includes postage within UK. Cool pedal but unfortunately doesn't get on with my active bass!
  8. Price now reduced to £140 including postage...would like to move this on so I can put the money to another pedal! Any takers? 🙂
  9. The Fat, the synthy Xerograph Deluxe for sale. Great condition. Price includes UK postage. This is the earlier 5 knob version. Although not quite as fat as this pedal, I'm sticking with my Sonnus Wahoo as it has a built in expression pedal and the saving settings option. l Demo:
  10. Yes, I need to sort out my powering situation eventually, but with regards to your 'shameless plug' i'm not quite financially ready to go completely isolated yet! Thanks for your input :-)
  11. Thanks :-) I meant I was getting noise when just the Manta was on when using a lot of it's internal distortion. Although it hasn't been a problem until now when I've been adding more gain to my signal, I'm thinking my two power supplies daisy chaining numerous pedals might also be adding to the noise in the case of the Manta.
  12. Thanks for your input guys :-) will try the noise gate option using the one on the Zoom b3 I have, to calm the noise on the Manta when using extreme drive settings. Just tried the Woolly Mammoth Clone (little bear) on a passive bass (fretless so not my main instrument) and it sounds great, so as you say, it does not like my active! I'll be on the look out for a replacement.
  13. ps ...how is the mooer fog with active pre amp basses?
  14. Greetings :-) I may have missed an obvious point here but I'm struggling with using any fuzz and not getting a lot of noise. I have an Ibanez ebd600 bass that has an active pre amp. It has been fine with octave and filter pedals, but as soon as I add any dirt it's noise even between notes. Recently tried a woolly mammoth clone and is very noisy even with no other pedals. Also a Cubic copilot has same issues. Even on my SA Manta it gets noisy if I add a lot of dirt from it. Any solutions? Any dirt, especially gated fuzz, any of you have found to work with basses with active pre amps?
  15. I bought an Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe from Peter. Communication was all very clear and prompt. He posted item very quickly and sent me tracking number. He was also very helpful in answering questions about the pedal's functions. Very friendly and a real pleasure to have done business with! Thanks Peter! :-)
  16. Hi :-) is this still for sale?
  17. Excitedly Pm'ed you! :-)
  18. what compressor out of interest?
  19. In fact, after a few listens I think it's the bass line that's giving the song a nice lift and stopping the song from sounding too 'usual'
  20. Has anyone used the Co-Pilot Cubic? How near to OC-2 synth sound can you get? Is there any drop below unity gain if using just the soloed octave? Any clips? Thanks!
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