I went to the Chris Rock show at the SSE Arena Wembley on Friday night and it was an absolute shambles.
The timings were supposed to be roughly a 7.55pm start with an hour of warm up acts before Chris was due to come on at 9. I arrived at 7.30pm thinking half an hour should be enough to get through security - wrong! When I arrived there were massive queues at each of the entrances. Moving very, very slowly.
It got to 8.30 and I was still outside having not moved very far, thinking would I even get in by 9pm when Chris was due to start. Some people ahead of me at this point just gave up and left. It was around 8.45 that the security started to shift people to other entrances to ease the congestion and then just started whizzing people through, obviously in an attempt to get everybody in by 9.
The little pouches that hold your phone are designed so a strong magnet holds it together. It probably wouldn't take much force to open it. Also there's no window - my thoughts were what if somebody needed to get hold of me in an emergency? I wouldn't even be able to see if a family member was trying to get in touch.
And of course at the end after the gig finished, there wasn't enough people outside to open the pouches up to retrieve the phone, so was waiting for about 15 mins to get that done.
This will do nothing to stop people recording if they want to. I saw people in the arena with phones that hadn't been locked away. Anybody could simply take 2 phones and have one locked and use the other or a camera to record. In fact there was a guy in the front row who got kicked out after about 15 mins when Chris noticed he was recording with a camera.
Whilst the idea is good that people should enjoy the show without a sea of phones in their faces, the execution needs to be vastly improved.