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About urbanx

  • Birthday July 14

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  1. Our preferred name was already taken, by a fairly small band, totally different genre, and across the pond... However, we were still so paranoid of people Googling / Spotifying and getting them; that we went with something totally unique. We had nightmare visions of telling people to "Google us, but not that one, or that one" It's getting harder by the day to create unique names.
  2. Bedford Esquires on Saturday with For The Hornets: Venue: We’ve played there about 6 years ago. I arrived early and started setting up on the exact spot as 6 years ago near-ish the bar. Barman: “Whoa, what do you think you are you doing?” Me (paraphrased): “I’m setting up. Now look here son, I’m not sure if this is your first day, but I’ve played here before, and this is where I set up” Barman: “Mate, this is the bar. You’re playing here….” He opens a door to a bustling live venue, already filling with punters. Turns out we hadn’t played there before… we’d played the BAR of the venue!!! Wow, that was embarrassing. Sound: Sound was incredible. As were the lights. Easy peasy sound check. Gear: I borrowed a Mesa Boogie Subway 4x10 cab – 1000w 4ohm. About £2ks worth. I want one. Promotor: ADK. Amazing promotor, they spam everywhere before the show. It was a great crowd. Additionally they have 4 GoPros set up around the stage and transfer you all of the footage, and the sound desk recording in the morning. Excellent touch. Last pic is a screenshot from the GoPro on my side of the stage!
  3. I have a Meteora as my main bass. Excellent tone and the best sustain I've felt in a while. Totally suits me and my style (love offset waists). I've gone for the snazzy 'Tequila Sunrise' Not touched it from factory set up apart from new strings, and all still feels great. When I tried it in a shop the pick ups ran 'hot' and overdriven on full. But, I've never had that on my own rig. No neck dive, although I have a grippy strap made from a firemans hose! I absolutely adore mine!
  4. Thank you. Unfortunately the other parts of the assembly are out of stock. I'll certainly bookmark the page in case they come back in. Thanks again.
  5. For The Hornets debuting our new song "Delusions' in Cambridge last month. Simple but lovely bass bits.
  6. Never had any luck from them to get a battery hatch for my G30 wireless tho... a 20p part has turned my £200 into a brick. Sounds like it's v common too. I hope you have better luck.
  7. Ren. Not what I'd usually listen too, but I'm completely blown away. Genre defying, in a Bohemian Rhapsody kind of way. The video is all one continuous shot too. Incredible.
  8. For The Hornets debueting our new song 'Delusions' at The Six Six in Cambridge last month. Lot'sa bass bits!
  9. Ah awesome! Cheers! Sorry to hear about the weather, it was iffy all day. Will keep an eye out for ya, hopefully our paths will cross again
  10. Yeah, the Meteora, had it about a year and absolutely love it! Thank you! Channelling my inner Donald Trump! 🤣
  11. One of our fave band 'inside stories' is when we were playing the Hawley Arms in Camden a couple of years back (great pub) This guy was off his face, dancing, falling on stage grabbing the mic stand. We weren't overly bothered as he was friendly, just out of it. But the landlord quickly intervened and threw him out the front door... Only for him to appear seconds later from the gents where he'd climbed back in through the window 🤣
  12. Metal stage at Baldock: Tent at the bottom of a beer garden - is what it is. Well received though, we're not that 'metal' and I think we were a welcome interlude.
  13. Awesome, cheers matey! I'll still need some back up added to that fix (elastic band or zip tie, lol)
  14. Yeah, its usually a lunch(eon) - Again tied in with the corporate crowd, but could easily be an evening event. It seems after-dinner speakers are always called that, regardless of what meal they're speaking after! (Don't get me started on wedding 'breakfasts'!)
  15. Cheers man! Exactly that. I'm an SME owner myself. We love the local business awards which are super expensive too (£180 per ticket for regional, £800+ per ticket national) We do the local ones as it's good networking, a nice meal, photo in the paper (not the crime section for once) and good all round publicity. With the sporting one, a lot of businesses use it to entertain clients too. An offer of nice lunch and "Oh, Phil Tuffnel is coming too" always wins people over (He was an absolute legend) There's always a raffle too, prizes donated by local businesses, everyone puts a £10 in an envelope, and £3k goes to charity. Its a good point about getting the right speakers, I think that'll be the hardest bit!
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