Bedford Esquires on Saturday with For The Hornets:
We’ve played there about 6 years ago. I arrived early and started setting up on the exact spot as 6 years ago near-ish the bar.
Barman: “Whoa, what do you think you are you doing?”
Me (paraphrased): “I’m setting up. Now look here son, I’m not sure if this is your first day, but I’ve played here before, and this is where I set up”
Barman: “Mate, this is the bar. You’re playing here….”
He opens a door to a bustling live venue, already filling with punters.
Turns out we hadn’t played there before… we’d played the BAR of the venue!!!
Wow, that was embarrassing.
Sound was incredible. As were the lights. Easy peasy sound check.
I borrowed a Mesa Boogie Subway 4x10 cab – 1000w 4ohm. About £2ks worth. I want one.
Amazing promotor, they spam everywhere before the show. It was a great crowd. Additionally they have 4 GoPros set up around the stage and transfer you all of the footage, and the sound desk recording in the morning. Excellent touch.
Last pic is a screenshot from the GoPro on my side of the stage!