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Everything posted by JSB

  1. Probably competition to those, yes. I didn't look into the details but compared to K.2 it looks like the power section is much smaller and the Hi-z input gone in the CP series.
  2. New from QSC: https://www.qsc.com/live-sound/products/loudspeakers/powered-loudspeakers/cp-series/cp12/
  3. Great to listen to, a blast to watch live and...local to me: The Brooks
  4. Didn't see that news passing by...Got a link by any chances? Thanks!
  5. Walkabout is definitely at the other end of the spectrum, totally baked in sound. And what a sound, wow. Funny enough, my visit to Alain was to pickup the D-Bass stack (D-Bass 210 + 115 extension) I had purchased...unknowingly from him! Unfortunately don't have it anymore, splendid stack it was. Alain being a total gear nerd, it was very interesting to hear him explain his tone philosophy and walk me through the new upcoming toy. And this discussion with him is one of the reasons I'm following this thread.
  6. Interesting! Where should the crossover be ideally?
  7. Thanks for the offer, unfortunately MB amps aren't travelling well across different power standards. Being FRFR is the key selling point of this unit, why would you get rid of it...to get a PA? I have to ask... This isn't a cheap combo, if you were not going for FRFR why did you go with this one?
  8. I had the opportunity to visit Alain Caron (AC) in his studio while he was transitioning from Roland to MarkBass. He explained to me that the Roland D-Bass combos were designed with his feedback and the goal was to develop the most neutral combo possible, with the technology of the time. They came up with the FFP tech, which is basically a DSP similar to what was found in studio monitors. In SuperFlat mode, you had as much as a FRFR system as it was possible in those days. As Roland was moving out of the professional bass amp market, he was approached by MB... At the time of my visit, Alain was in the process of A/B testing the MarkBass prototype combo with his reference for what he was looking for: his own studio monitors. This is what he uses at home. This is what he wanted to have on stage. No coincidence the design is similar to a PA system (bi-amped, powerful tweeter, etc.) With the controls "neutral", this is probably one of the most FRFR combo available, plus you get the MB coloring on demand. Love this combo!
  9. Wow, blown away by your left hand muting technique. Outstanding!
  10. Groovy and spot on tone. Channel subscribed.
  11. http://www.tech21nyc.com/products/amps/bass/vt200.html
  12. FRFR= Full Range Flat Response
  13. Billy has the permission too?
  14. Ok, caught up.
  15. Huh... did I miss something?
  16. Hold on, you moved from D800 to K12.2? What was your cab? Did you try the Mesa DI yet? Please tell me more, very interested in hearing your experience as we started from a similar place you are already on arrival...
  17. For a clean sound, what do you put in front of your FRFR speaker?
  18. Helix looks like a killer unit! Thing is, I play "clean"... I have a Katana and use only the reverb for the guitar. For bass, had (now sold) Mesa D800+Subway 1x12. That's it. Cannot justify forking out 2.3kCAD$ for the Helix (well, I'm sure I could but don't really want to) but I understand that I'll need something in front of the QSC for guitar. And maybe bass as well, depending on what their "bass setting" does. First thing first, need to find a place locally where I can try it those out!
  19. Looking for the elusive do it all compact rig for bass (of course), guitar (sorry) and keys for home practice to small gigs when no FOH available.
  20. Never heard the BF Compact, but did hear that amp through a Berg 12"... I can relate to your This is impressive. Have you got a chance of trying out the 8.2 and 12.2^ What lead you to pick the 10.2 over the others? I know this might appear like a strange question to ask but, how does it perform at VERY low volume?
  21. A search on Google for QSC brought me here... This thread got me to register to BC... :-) Very interesting stuff. Where you also mixed in their PA? What was the other musicians amplification?
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