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Bill Fitzmaurice

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About Bill Fitzmaurice

  • Birthday 27/10/1949

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  • Location
    New Hampshire, USA

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  1. While it may sound bass heavy the reality of reggae is it's midbass heavy. This is an RTA of The Wailers, through a no holds barred million quid system, taken in the FOH, the best seat in the house. Most of the energy is between 60 and 180Hz.
  2. These quite different experiences point out that it's not the brand that matters, it's the specific cab. One might as well be asking 'Any experience with Toyota?' That depends. Toyota Aygo? Or Toyota Mirai?
  3. Not 4x but 2x at any rate. Indoors the bass bins get boundary reinforcement, outdoors they do not. That translates to no less than 6dB less output to the audience outdoors. Doubling the cab count realizes 6dB additional output.
  4. Hire, with a sound man. In terms of what you need for outdoors versus indoors it's at least twice the kit.
  5. That would be my guess.
  6. Ask your girlfriend if size matters. 😲 Where speakers are concerned cone area doesn't, cone displacement does. But box size is the other way around. All else being equal (though it never is) the larger the box the lower it will go. What this boils down to is that without a lot of information that speaker manufacturers don't provide you can't know how any two cabs will compare. If I was to venture a guess I'd say the Mesa is more capable than a single Big Ben.
  7. Any that have a gain and a master volume.
  8. It also only fully worked at lower volumes, the effect being reduced as the volume control was raised.
  9. Axial frequency response of the 210 and 410 will be almost identical. It would favor the 410 with enough voltage for the 210 to suffer from power compression both thermal and mechanical, but that's a different question than what the OP asked. True, the mids will sound louder off-axis. Not quite. In the OPs scenario the voltage to each cab is the same. In the case of the 210 the displacement (T/S spec Vd) is doubled. When you double displacement with the same voltage to each driver, as is the case with parallel wiring, you get a 6dB increase in sensitivity. Doubling Vd again with the 410 would get you another 6dB with parallel wiring, but with series/parallel wiring the voltage to the individual drivers is halved, which reduces sensitivity by 6dB for a net zero gain over the 210. To realize the 6dB higher maximum SPL from the 410 compared to the 210 you'd have to turn up the volume to double the voltage output, which then results in all four drivers receiving the same voltage as those in the 210. The takeaway here is that it's not the power or cone area that counts. It's the voltage and the driver displacement.
  10. OK, so if the same driver is used, and the same box volume and tuning per driver is used, with parallel wiring the 2x10 will be 6dB louder than the 1x10. If the 4x10 is parallel wired it will be 6dB louder than the 2x10. However, chances are the 4x10 can't be parallel wired, because the impedance load would be too low for the amp to handle. It would likely be wired series/parallel. In that case it would be the same as the 2x10. The 4x10 can go 6dB louder than the 2x10, but only by turning up the volume. And all the conditions must be met. If any or all of them aren't then the calculation doesn't work.
  11. It's getting worse. ChatGPT is really bad, because what it posts comes from searching sources on line. When the search turns up bad information it passes it on without peer review. 😒
  12. If there's no voltage there's no signal, nor current. The strings vibrating in the magnetic field of the pickups induce both current and voltage. You can't have the one without the other except with a theoretical superconductor.
  13. The last I used was a '59 Bassman, for guitar. I can hardly imagine one on bass, as it only took ten watts to hit xmax with four Jensen P10Qs in an open back cab. But Carol Kaye did most of her early studio work through a Fender Super Reverb, which was similar. That's because she was originally a studio guitar player. One day the scheduled bass player for the session didn't show up, so she plugged a bass into her guitar amp. And it's why you can hear a touch of reverb on the bass in many Beach Boys recordings. But that was in the studio, where not a lot of volume was required.
  14. And that's why Mesa Dual Rectifier amps give you the choice. 😉
  15. We're not saying that you didn't witness what you witnessed. We're saying the cause of what you witnessed isn't what you think it was. And why would you? Without technical training one cannot be expected to make a diagnosis of why a driver failed. The value of threads like this one is it allows those without technical training to learn from those who do. But one can only lead a horse to water. From there on what happens is up to the horse.
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