What's happening is that the low frequencies from the subs are not directionally locatable, as their wavelengths are too long compared to the distance between your ears. Really. Binaural hearing allows us to triangulate sound source locations only when the wavelengths are short enough so that the ear/brain can detect the difference in the arrival times at the left versus the right ear. That occurs on average above 100Hz. Since we can't tell where the low frequencies are coming from we take the directional cues from their harmonics, which are coming from the tops. This is what allows us to place subwoofers away from the tops, in both live sound and home theater. My HT folded horn sub sits 30cm to my side in my living room, where it does double duty as a table. My mains are 3 meters in front of me. I cannot tell that the sub is next to me, the bass seems to be coming from the mains, even when movie low frequency sound effects are reaching 120dB.