I started with a Fender Bassman 100 + the old wardrobe sized 4x12. This caught fire.
A Laney PL100 combo was next. This expired with a pop-weeeee sound.
Then I had a couple of Ashdown Evo 300s, with a mixture of Ashdown and Bugera cabs. Still have a Bugera 2x10 but sold the rest as I didn't enjoy the sound.
Next up a TCE BG250 208, nice and light but a little gutless without an extension cab. I swapped this for a 1x15 version which is the amp I currently use the most.
I also have a Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 which I run through a Taurus 4x10 if I need to get loud but this rarely happens. Am eyeing up either an all valve head to replace the Genz (Ampeg etc) or possibly something like the Purple Chili rig in the classifieds if it's still around at the end of the month.