It'll be fine - the dog accepted it into the house instantly which never usually happens.
The usual routine is bark at the case for a minute, then again at the bass when you take it out. Half an hour of refusing to be in the same room comes next, followed by creeping up and timidly sniffing it. Once that hurdle is passed he will only look scared if you play it, until he's had a sleep!
Initial impressions are that it's fairly light and well-balanced - the deep neck profile is interesting but not uncomfortable in the short term, although a longer session may be different. I found the shape of the 'reverse horns' (the cutout section by the bridge) uncomfortable against my right thigh when seated, as I like to rest the body on my left leg. I would prefer a softer curve without protrusions in that area.
I assume this is a prototype? You are probably more aware of the faults in the finish than I am but it's certainly not bad, and were it to be painted would look great, but bare wood leaves you nowhere to hide! It's plenty well enough finished to gig with however.
I haven’t plugged it in yet as I only have a cheap practice amp here and I don't want to spoil my first impression of the tone. It does feel like there's a better setup to be had but is nicely playable and probably better suited to more styles as it is. It was perfectly in tune straight out of the case, so the construction is good.
I'll report back once I've properly heard it