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Ricky 4000

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Ricky 4000 last won the day on December 31 2021

Ricky 4000 had the most liked content!


About Ricky 4000

  • Birthday 30/03/1964

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Community Answers

  1. Eeek. I did the same... just checked my spam folder and it's buisness as usual. 🙅‍♀️
  2. On my phone screen its floating over the posts I'm trying to read!
  3. Theres an orange tab on the left of my phone screen, and one on my PC screen. We've been tagged like cattle! 😆
  4. Thats a nice looking bass. 👌
  5. What scale length are these bass? 🙂
  6. Thank you Sir.
  7. I had a set of Prinzsound 909s a while back: Lovely leathery head strap, but they were electrically past the point of saving. Would have been amazing for reggae too... ah well... You don't see anybody collecting vintage IEMs do ya? QED, whatever that means.
  8. Unless maybe you were worried about getting headphone hair. Which is related to hat hair. 😬
  9. Why not just use headphones? At least other people can see why you're ignoring them. 🙅‍♀️ To be fair, I sound flipping awesome through my Zoom and 'phones. Not a sponsor. 👍
  10. Go on, I bet you were stunning at 49.
  11. I think it all depends how good you are. Hit song recordings are usually pretty bloody good IMHO. Both in the playing and the arrangement. Even crappy hit song are always* well played... but, if you can do better - Then crack on I suppose. *we all know Jean Paul Jones missed a note right after the first chorus of Ramble On, so if you were covering that song in a band, would you: a) Leave it out. b) Put it in while looking out for other bass players and/or nerds who may have noticed. c) No idea mate, I was busy jamming in a fill from BSSM!
  12. Hrm, I could add crushed Viagra to stiffen them up a bit...
  13. I have Funkmasters on my J bass because I wanted it to be really twangy. The twang only lasted a few weeks, and the strings are sooo easy to bend when I don't want to (which is most of the time). I'm trying to make dull sounding Funkmasters a 'thing', but it's not going well to be fair...
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