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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I remember this one time at a rehearsal, the drummer says to me "Woah, during that last song, it was cool when you did that JJ Burnel style slow-motion karate kick". I corrected him immediately, by pointing out that I was simply stepping over a guitar cable that was dangerously stretched out 2 feet above the floor. I then convened what was the first ever health & safety meeting - which I am rather proud of.
  2. Oooo, I love a bit of Bond. 👍 I'd work up to that 104 BPM Bond sound by perfecting Sour Times @ 94 BPM... https://getsongbpm.com/song/sour-times/73KrB
  3. New Romantic! What if a person is into Disco? The 'gold medal' disco tune is Dancing Queen. Which was influenced by Jive Talkin'. So you're looking at 100-104 BPM.
  4. That's a live drummer, daddy. 👍 I thought you'd like it. 🙂
  5. This changed my life: 👍
  6. Did you have any trouble playing it with your thumb?
  7. Similar to Col. Del Var's advice, I am 1970s semi-detached, and trust me, you could hear a mouse farting next door. Luckily I have an unattached rear extension to the property, with a weapons grade sliding door to the 'main house'. This is where my own mouse farts. If you can't put the Johanna in a non-adjoining room at least -- I'd consider a different property mate. With all the love in the world.🙂
  8. Apologies if this has been posted up before: My son put me onto this! Embarrassed to say that I don't know much about him...
  9. Surprised this is not up yet: Can't quite get it right on the bass... need to borrow @Bridgehouse's keyboard!
  10. Don't worry, picks are real. We never should have brought sticks into it. 😬 😃
  11. It's not like some artist would have sticks / picks printed with their name on if it was deliberately a type of sticks / picks they don't use themselves. Well, I would, just to put people off if they thought my pick would give them 'my sound'... I'd be like "Hah! You thought that pick would sound more like me, but in fact it sounds less so!" ... but nobody else would be such an 'sshole. 🤗 Or, I suppose some stick / pick firm might send an artist a job-lot of them on spec, hoping the artist would use them and/or give them out to people, which would look like an endorsement... yeah, that could happen.
  12. Can I have one? 🙂
  13. Yeah. It was. 😬
  14. Then keep walking, bozo. 👏 That was a really slow clap... 😃
  15. Jesus... Alright, we can include famous drumsticks, if that helps? 🤣
  16. Randomly, I have Nathan East's, and Brian Setzer's. I bet some of us on here have a much larger collection than me? 🙂
  17. Welcome back! 🙂
  18. Is that an E over G? An interesting note that I actually quite often play accidentally. 😗
  19. A bit like slipping a bar of Livin' On A Prayer into the middle of PiL's Albatros. Not more than one bar mind, otherwise folks be all 'Tommy used to work on the docks'. 😄
  20. I probably couldn't tell either. 👍
  21. Pitch and tempo?? 😬
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